建立检测动物组织中呋喃妥因代谢物的直接竞争化学发光酶免疫法。采用棋盘法确定抗体和酶标抗原的最佳稀释度,通过单因素试验优化包被条件、封闭液种类和竞争反应时间,建立直接竞争抑制曲线,并对方法的灵敏度、特异性、准确度和精密度进行方法学评价。结果表明,经优化,最佳反应条件为抗体稀释度1∶4 000,酶标抗原稀释度1∶80,包被条件为37℃2h后4℃过夜,封闭液为1%牛血清白蛋白,竞争反应1h。该方法的线性检测范围为0.030~10.595 ng/m L,IC_(50)为0.559 ng/m L;加标回收率为84.9%~103.4%,批内变异系数为3.4%~7.8%,批间变异系数为4.7%~11.8%;除与呋喃妥因原药交叉反应率为36.2%,与其他结构类似物及衍生化试剂交叉反应率均小于0.1%。该方法灵敏、准确,可用于动物组织中呋喃妥因代谢物的快速筛查。
A direct competitive chemiluminescene enzyme immunoassay(dc-CLEIA) was developed to detect furantoin metabolite in animal tissues.The optimal dilutions of monoclonal antibody and enzyme labeled antigen were determined by chequerboard titration.The effects of coating conditions,blocking solution and competitive reaction time were investigated by single-factor experiments.The optimized reaction conditions were determined as follows:4 OOO-fold dilution of monoclonal antibody 80-fold dilution of enzyme labeled antigen,2 h incubation at 37 ℃ for coating followed by overnight storage at 4℃,blocking with 1%BSA,and 1 h competitive reaction.The linear detection range of the developed CLEIA was 0.030-10.595 ng/mL,and the 50%inhibitory concentration(IC_(50) value was 0.559 ng/mL.The recoveries in negative samples ranged from 84.9%to 103.4%.The intra-assay and inter-assay coefficients of variation were 3.4%-7.8%and 4.7%-11.8%,respectively.The cross-reactivity values were lower than 0.1%with other structural analogues and derivatives expect for furantoin original drug(36.2%).The CLEIA method was sensitive and accurate,and thus suitable for the fast screening of furantoin metabolite in food samples.
Food Science