
关于政府决策者制定与实施地方适应气候变化规划的调查研究 被引量:2

A Questionnaire Survey and Analysis on Climate Change Adaptation Plan Developing and Implementing by Decision Makers
摘要 适应气候变化是当前尤其是发展中国家应对气候变化的基本对策。我国已将适应气候变化问题纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,但各地在制定和实施适应气候变化的规划和政策时还存在诸多困难。政府决策者对适应气候变化措施的知识水平和规划能力对地方制定和实施适应气候变化规划具有决定性的作用。文章调查结果显示,地方政府决策者在制定和实施地方适应气候变化规划时,面临的主要困难是:缺乏相关专业知识、缺乏资金保障、缺少政策法规支持、缺少相关部门之间的合作机制等。基于此,应有针对性地对地方各级领导干部开展适应气候变化的教育和培训;同时,构建多元化资金投入保障机制、加强政策体系建设与支撑、完善参与协调机制、开展规划实施评估与监管,从而进一步提高地方政府应对气候变化的能力。 A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the decision makers who were in charge of climate change adaptation management in the governmental departments of five provinces throughout the country.The knowledge and perception of decision makers were assessed and analyzed.The results showed that the local governmental decision makers had some knowledge of the adaptation measures in all kinds of climate change affected sectors.But most of them were still with high need on the climate change adaptation knowledge.Lacking training and educational materials were indicated as the main reason to impede the decision makers to acquire the knowledge of climate change and adaptation.During the process of making adaptation planning and decisions,the respondents indicated that a lack of professional knowledge was the biggest barrier,followed by a lack of policy support,a lack of funding support,a lack of departmental cooperation and so on.According to these,promoting professional knowledge training and dissemination are suggested.Meanwhile,building the training on planning theory and methodology,improving the coordination mechanism,strengthening the policy support,enhancing the financial support and promoting the implementation evaluation are all helpful for the local government to improve the ability of government to adapt to climate change at the provincial level.
出处 《生态经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期14-18,共5页 Ecological Economy
基金 英国国际发展部项目(200581-114)
关键词 适应气候变化 政府决策者 认知 问卷调查 climate change adaptation decision makers perception questionnaire survey
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