
南海北部潮汐与内潮作用下粒子追踪研究 被引量:1

Study on particle tracking driven by barotropic and baroclinic tides in the northern South China Sea
摘要 利用ROMS模式对南海北部的正压潮和內潮进行了模拟,并通过ROMS自带的粒子追踪模块对表层、中层、底层释放的粒子进行了追踪实验,分别讨论了大陆架区域附近的粒子在正压潮和內潮作用下的运动特点和分布情况。在正压潮作用下,水体不同深度的粒子运动方向基本相同,垂向运动和粒子输运范围较小,而內潮对粒子运动的影响较为显著,在吕宋海峡传播过来的內潮和局地生成內潮的共同作用下,水体不同深度的粒子运动较正压潮作用下更为复杂,粒子运动的水平和垂向范围显著加大,粒子的输运方向也不相同。 Barotropic and baroclinic tides in the northern South China Sea are simulated using the ROMS. The movement and distribution of passive particles under the barotropic and baroclinic tides are calculated using a Lagrangian particle tracking method. Driven by the barotropic tides, the particles in different depths move in a similar direction in horizontal and the vertical movement is trivial. However, due to the baroclinic tides generated from Luzon Strait as well as those generated locally, the particles move towards different directions in different depths with apparent vertical movement.
出处 《海洋预报》 2016年第2期30-38,共9页 Marine Forecasts
基金 国家自然科学基金(41106002 4157608) 国家高技术研究发展计划(2013AA09A504) 深圳市科创委技术开发项目(CXZZ20140521161827690)
关键词 ROMS 正压潮 內潮 粒子追踪 南海 ROMS barotropic tides internal tides particle tracking South China Sea
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