
基于行为推理理论的绿色消费行为实证研究 被引量:20

Empirical Research on Green Consumption Using Behavior Reasoning Theory
摘要 绿色消费是实现可持续发展的关键环节,而消费者是实施绿色消费的关键。随着生态意识逐渐提高,消费者对绿色产品的积极态度却很难从其行为中反映出来。针对绿色消费态度行为不一致的问题,文章基于行为推理理论对绿色消费的影响机制进行了实证研究。结果表明:态度对绿色消费行为意向影响显著,价值观对绿色消费行为意向影响不显著,情境因素在行为合理性、态度和绿色消费行为意向的关系中起调节作用,履行绿色消费的理由促成积极的绿色消费态度,拒绝绿色消费的理由导致绿色消费行为规避,二者不协调共存导致了绿色消费态度行为缺口。文章不仅拓展了传统的理性行为理论,而且能为政府和企业设计绿色消费态度行为缺口修复对策提供参考。 Green consumption is a key link in the realization of sustainable development,and the consumer is the key to the implementation of green consumption.With the ecological consciousness gradually being improved,consumers' positive attitude towards green product often fails to materialize in actual behavior.In view of attitude-behavior inconsistency,we conducted an empirical research on the influence mechanism of green consumption using behavior reasoning theory.The results show that attitude has significant effects on green consumption intention,and there are no significant effects of value on green consumption intention.Contextual factors mediate the relationship among reasons,attitude and green consumption intention.Reasons for adoptionhave a positive influence on consumers' attitude while reasons against adoption have anegative influence onconsumers' adoption intentions,the incongruous coexistence of which leads to attitude-behavior gap of green consumption.The study not only extends the conventional theory of reasoned action,but also provides a reference for the government and enterprises to design the repairing strategy of green consumption attitude behavior gap.
出处 《大连理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第2期13-18,共6页 Journal of Dalian University of Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目:"我国城镇家庭能源的绿色消费态度行为缺口及修复策略研究"(15BJY046) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金:"基于行为推理理论的绿色消费态度-行为缺口修复研究"(教外司留[2015]311号) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:"基于自身短期与社会长远利益两难选择的绿色消费机制研究"(71202009)
关键词 绿色产品 态度行为缺口 行为推理理论 绿色消费 green product attitude behavior gap behavior reasoning theory green consumption
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