In order to avoid multi chip CCD stitching the gap space camera side of the pendulum imaging, resulting in loss of part of the target information and the acquired image can not be normal splicing problems, according to the CCD push-broom imaging principle and image motion compensation residual image the principle of analysis, overlapping like element method to overcome the problem of image gap pixel is calculated according to the actual engineering requirements on the image plane overlap, the specific requirements of overlapping pixel. Instance of the calculated drift angle error is less than the allowed 96 points series 12′and the bias eurrent institutions deviation 1′of a premise, like the surface of splicing overlap between adjacent two CCD pixel calculated value should be greater than 15, consider the error and the installation of multiple factors to increase the margin, overlaps the pixel number 40 to meet the ground to cover the requirements of the width to 10 kin. This article proposed the method is simple and easy to implement, which is suitable for the research of image motion compensation of space camera.
Computer Measurement &Control
space camera
overlapped pixels
patch image plane
image aperture