目的:了解地区青年人群吸烟与被动吸烟情况。方法:本研究采用按人口规模大小成比例的概率抽样方法,对大屯地区常住居民18-44岁,1 172名进行问卷调查。结果:被调查者中吸烟率为12.9%,男性(26.5%)高于女性(2.4%),59.5%的吸烟者第一支烟是18-24岁。男性、35-44岁组、离异或丧偶、高中/中专文化程度吸烟率较高(P〈0.05)。吸烟者中高血压患病率、饮酒、嗜盐习惯咸、超重均高于不吸烟者(P〈0.05)。本地区被动吸烟率为24.3%,35-44岁年龄段被动吸烟率最高(28.1%,P〈0.05),与性别、文化程度无关。被动吸烟的地点主要为工作场所和餐厅。目前,本地区青年人群的戒烟率较低,仅为9.0%。结论:大屯地区青年人群吸烟率相对较低,但男性、35-44岁组和文化程度低的人群吸烟率较高,应针对这类人群加强戒烟宣教和干预,并从青少年开始进行健康宣教,从而减少慢性病危险因素的发生。另外,被动吸烟地点主要是公共场所,因此,在公共场所实施严格的控烟制度,必然会减少其带来的危害。
Objective: To understand the region's young people smoking and passive smoking. Methods: This study used according to the population size in proportion to the size of the probability sampling methods for Da Tun region 18 to 44,1172 permanent residents in the questionnaire. Results: Smoking rates for12. 88% of respondents,men( 26. 5%) than women( 2. 4%),59. 5% of smokers first cigarette is aged 18 to24. Male,35 to 44 years old,divorced or widowed,high school / secondary culture degree high rates of smoking( P〈0. 05). Smokers in hypertension prevalence,drinking habit,halophilic salty,overweight were higher than non-smokers( P〈0. 05). The region's passive smoking was 24. 3%,35 to 44 age group passive smoking rates the highest( 28. 1%)( P〈0. 05),has nothing to do with gender,degree of culture. The location of the passive smoking mainly for the workplace and restaurant. At present,the region's young people to quit smoking rate is low,at just 9. 0%. Conclusion: Da Tun area young people smoking rates are relatively low,but men,35 to 44 years old group and the low degree of cultural crowd smoking rates higher,strengthen the smoking cessation education and intervention should be aimed at this kind of crowd,and starting from the adolescent health education,thereby reducing the occurrence of chronic disease risk factors. In addition,by passive smoking place mainly in public places,therefore,the implementation of strict control system in a public place,is bound to reduce the damage.
Journal of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases
Young people
Smoking and passive smoking