

Study on seismic damage of high-rise structure with uncertain layout of interior floors
摘要 为尊重客户需求,增大层高便于客户选择复式套型的高层建筑成为时尚。隔层楼盖的不确定性布置易形成竖向不规则高层建筑结构,在地震作用下容易形成楼层屈服机制,而隔层楼盖不确定性对(超)高层建筑结构抗震性能的影响鲜有报道。本文以常用高层框架-剪力墙结构为研究对象,在满足设计要求的条件下,考虑9种隔层楼盖布置情况,利用有限元软件Perform 3D对结构进行静力与动力弹塑性分析,从基于极限承载力与刚度的冗余度系数、罕遇地震下结构的位移反应、滞回耗能、材料损伤等方面,研究隔层楼盖不确定性对竖向不规则高层结构抗震性能的影响。研究表明:隔层楼盖数量不确定性导致框剪结构承载力与刚度最大分别下降45.7%与46.9%;当去除所有隔层楼盖时,最大层间位移角平均值比原结构大40.4%,剪力墙滞回耗能最大达原结构的1.47倍,剪力墙材料损伤也较为严重。当去除结构总高一半以下所有隔层楼盖后形成了最不利结构,剪力墙滞回耗能比去除全部隔层情况大37.72%,剪力墙材料损伤也最为严重。建议设计中应充分考虑隔层楼盖不确定性进行包络设计,实际中应控制隔层数量不少于总数的50%,且应对结构下部去除隔层楼盖楼层进行加强。 To serve different needs of clients for space or duplex apartment,increasing storey height of high-rise buildings to let clients select duplex apartments or not has become fashionable. However,uncertain layout of interior floors may likely lead to high-rise buildings with vertical irregularity,and storey yield mechanism may form under strong earthquakes. The influences of uncertain layout of interior floors of apartments on the seismic performances of( super) high-rise buildings are needed to be further investigation. A common-used high-rise wall-frame structures considering nine different layouts of interior floors were selected,static and dynamic elastic-plastic analysis by adopting Perform 3D were carried out,capacity and stiffness based redundancy indexes,structural displacement,hysteretic energy and material damage under rareearthquakes were studied,and the effects of uncertain layout of in-terior floors on seismic performances of( super) high-rise building were extensively investigated. Results show that the most unfavorable situation is removing the interior floors in lower half of structure,which will cause 37. 72%more hysteretic energy and 6% ~ 16% lower redundancy with the most serious material damages in shear walls than original structure. It was suggested that with the wide application of such tall buildings,effects of uncertainties of layout of interior floors should be included in seismic design. The quantity of interior floors of the building can be removed should be less than 50% of all. The interior floors in lower half of structure should be strengthened.
出处 《地震工程与工程振动》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期189-197,共9页 Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Dynamics
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(51108104) 广东省自然科学基金项目(S2012010010074) 市属高校“羊城学者”项目(12A001D) 广东省科技计划项目(2013B020200016) 国家留学基金委资助项目~~
关键词 隔层楼盖 框架-剪力墙结构 竖向不规则 位移响应 滞回耗能 材料损伤 interior floors of apartment wall-frame structure vertical irregularity displacement response hysteretic energy material damage
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