
牙周病与心血管疾病 被引量:9

Periodontitis and cardiovascular disease
摘要 牙周炎是一种由微生物引起的慢性多因子炎症性疾病,以渐进性牙周支持组织破坏导致牙齿脱落为特征。牙周炎患者因长期存在大面积溃疡面的低度感染而被视为是心血管疾病的高危因素。现对牙周炎与心血管疾病之间相关性的可能机制及二者之间相关联的4个方面的研究证据做一阐述,并将美国牙周病学会和欧洲牙周病学会联盟对牙周炎与心血管疾病二者关系研讨后达成的最新共识提供给大家做参考。 Periodontitis is a chronic multi-factorial inflammatory disease caused by microorganisms and characterized by progressive destruction of the tooth supporting apparatus leading to tooth loss. Periodontitis has been associated with increased risk for various measures of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases independent of established cardiovascular risk factors. This report describes possible mechanisms linking periodontitis to atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases,the evidences from epidemiological studies,intervention studies,pathogenic studies and animal studies. Lastly,consensus report of the Joint EFP/AAP Workshop on Periodontitis and atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseasehas been provided.
作者 任秀云
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2016年第3期138-142,共5页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81271144 31050002)
关键词 心血管疾病 动脉粥样硬化 牙周炎 cardiovascular diseases atherosclerosis periodontitis
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