
大类招生人才培养模式改革若干思考 被引量:9

On the Talented Personnel Cultivation Mode Reform in the Background of General-categorization-based Enrollment
摘要 高等学校实行大类招生人才培养模式,成为高等教育一种发展趋势,能够有效规避考生填报高考志愿的盲目性,充分利用高等学校的教学资源;有利于整合并优化教学资源,提升高等教育教学质量和办学效益;构建宽口径、厚基础的教育机制,有利于创新型专业人才的培养;充分挖掘大学生的智力资源,有效拓展大学生个性成长空间;在培养创新型复合人才、整合教育资源方面发挥了积极作用。但在人才培养模式改革过程中,专业分流导致专业冷热分化加剧,对冷门专业的发展产生一定冲击;一些课程安排设置不合理,不利于大学生系统学习专业知识;弱势冷门专业出现不良的学风问题,教学管理工作难度增加;新建的班级凝聚力不足,大学生的班级团体归属感缺失。因此,最大限度地发挥大类招生人才培养模式改革的优势作用,建立更加完善的大类专业培养方案与课程体系,成为当前高等教育改革工作的核心目标。 The general-categorization-based collegiate enrollment implemented in Chinese colleges and universities has become a development trend in higher education. As a mode of talented personnel cultivation, the general- categorization-based collegiate enrollment has been able to effectively prevent candidates for the national entrance examination for higher education from filling their applications for college or university blindly, make full use of educational resources colleges and universities possess, be conducive to integrating and optimizing teaching resources to improve teaching quality and school-running efficiency, help to constructing the educational mechanism of wide and thick foundation, innovate the special talented personnel cultivation, excavate college students intelligent resources fully to personalize the growth of college students further, having played a positive role in cultivating innovative inter-disciplinary talents and integrating educational resources. This mode, however, has also produced problems in the talented personnel cultivation: the polarization between popular specialties and unpopular ones caused by the specialtycategory-based students reassignment has more or less impacted upon the unpopular specialties; some courses have been offered so unreasonably that they don not help students to learn specialized knowledge systematically; bad study styles have arisen among the students of disadvantaged and unpopular specialties, which has greatly increased the difficulty in educating and managing students; and newly set up classes lack of a strong cohesive force so that students have not a strong sense of belongingness to them. Exploiting to the fullest the advantages of the talented personnel cultivation mode reform based on the generally categorized enrollment and building a more complete plan and curriculum system for the special talented personnel cultivation that is based on the generally categorized enrollment should be the core goal of the current higher education reform.
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期682-686,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 辽宁省普通高等教育本科教学改革研究项目(UPRP20140975) 沈阳农业大学教学研究项目(2014-09)
关键词 大类招生 专业分流 招生改革 人才培养模式 高等学校 general-categorization-based enrollment reform talented personnel cultivation mode collegesspecialty-category-based students reassignment enrollmentand universities
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