目的探讨中西医结合护理对产妇心理状态及分娩结局的影响。方法选择中西医结合护理实施前后的不同年份而相同月份的产妇进行对照,比较产妇不良心理状态的发生率、分娩方式、产后出血率、产后2 h出血量及母乳喂养率等的差异。结果中西医结合护理实施前后产妇一般资料差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),实施中西医结合护理后,产妇不良心理状态的发生率降低,自然分娩率提高,产后出血率、产后2 h出血量下降,母乳喂养率提高,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论中西医结合护理能减轻产妇的心理负担,缓解产妇的负性情绪,增强产力,降低产后出血率,减少产后出血量,并提高自然分娩率和母乳喂养率。
Objective To probe into the effect of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine nursing on the maternal mental state and delivery outcomes. Methods The puerperae of different years and the same month before and after the implementation of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine nursing were compared, and the differences between the incidence rate of the abnormal psychological state, delivery mode, postpartum hemorrhage rate, postpartum hemorrhage amount after two hours, and the rate of breast feeding were compared. Results There was no significant difference in the normal materials before and after the implementation of integrat- ed traditional Chinese and western medicine nursing (P 〉0.05). After the implementation, the in- cidence rate of maternal adverse psychological state was reduced, natural delivery rate was in- creased, postpartum hemorrhage rate and the rate in two hours after birth was declined, and the rate of breast feeding was increased. The differences were statistically significant (P 〈 0.05). Con- clusion Integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine nursing can reduce the pwchologieal burden, relieve the negative emotions, improve the productivity, reduce the rate of postpartum hemorrhage, reduce the amount of postpartum hemorrhage, and improve the rate of the natural de- livery and breast feeding.
Journal of Clinical Nursing in Practice
integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine nursing
psychological state
delivery mode
postpartum hemorrhage
breast feeding