
自体脂肪联合富血小板血浆在面部年轻化中的应用价值 被引量:23

Clinical values of using platelet rich plasma with autologous fat injection in facial rejuvenation
摘要 目的探讨自体脂肪联合富血小板血浆(PRP)填充面部年轻化中的临床效果。方法将35例美容就医者分为两组,单纯自体脂肪组(FAT组)20例和自体脂肪联合PRP填充组(PRP组)15例。面部脂肪填充量平均34ml,于腹部或大腿处用18G吸脂针连接负压抽吸脂肪颗粒,离心2min后,除去下层水分和上层油脂。利用威高PRP提取套装提取PRP,按1:5的比例将PRP与脂肪颗粒混合,随后在面部凹陷处进行多点、多隧道、多层次的注射。对并发症、脂肪存活率及满意度进行评价。结果两组美容就医者均未出现感染、血肿、脂肪液化坏死、局部凹凸不平等并发症。PRP组较FAT组面部皮肤质地光泽改善更明显,美容就医者自身评价中,PRP组中均有皮肤质地改善及肤色提亮较为明显的描述,而FAT组均未有对肤质改善的描述。PRP组较FAT组脂肪存活率略显提高,但差异不明显。结论PRP应用于自体脂肪填充手术,操作简便,可提高脂肪存活率,效果稳定,是面部年轻化的一种安全、理想的方法。 Objective To explore the clinical value of autologous fat injection with platelet rich plasma in facial rejuvenation. Methods 35 female beauty seekers were collected in this study. They were divided into two groups: sample autologous fat group (FAT group, n=20) and combined autologous fat and platelet-rich plasma group (PRP group, n : 15). The average level of injection was 34 ml. The fat was collected at the abdominal or thigh sites using 18 G needle connecting with negative pressure suction-pump. The fat was centrifugated 2 min to get rid of the lower layer of water and the upper layer of oil. Weigao PRP extract kit was used to obtain the PRP. The ratio of PRP to fat was 1-5. The injection technique was according to Colemen method. The survival rate, satisfaction and complication were compared between the 2 groups. Results There were no infection, hematoma, fat liquefaction necrosis occurred in the 2 groups. Compared with the FAT group, the skin texture and facial contour of the PRP group was improved. Conclusions The platelet rich plasma can improve the survival rate of fat and has a stable effect, which is one of the safe and ideal methods of facial rejuvenation.
出处 《中华医学美学美容杂志》 2016年第2期67-70,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology
关键词 富血小板血浆 脂肪颗粒 脂肪移植 面部年轻化 Platelet-rich plasma Fat granule Fat transplantation Facial rejuvenation
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