
Real-Time Rendering of Large-Scale Ocean Environments 被引量:1

Real-Time Rendering of Large-Scale Ocean Environments
摘要 Simulation and rendering of large-scale natural environments, especially the ocean, has always been one of the hot issues in computer graphics, which can provide realism for various applications such as computer game, movie and military usage. Simulation of ocean environment is often lack of realism for real-time application due to its complexity of dynamic waves. In this paper, a method based on FFT Wave model is proposed to solve this problem, which can also simulate the ocean optic property with atmosphere scattering. Furthermore, our method has a lot of advantages including global ocean dataset support, real-time, dynamic reflection of ocean, the foam on the wave, smooth transition from deep ocean to seacoast, etc. The experimental results demonstrate the realism and effectiveness of our approach. Simulation and rendering of large-scale natural environments, especially the ocean, has always been one of the hot issues in computer graphics, which can provide realism for various applications such as computer game, movie and military usage. Simulation of ocean environment is often lack of realism for real-time application due to its complexity of dynamic waves. In this paper, a method based on FFT Wave model is proposed to solve this problem, which can also simulate the ocean optic property with atmosphere scattering. Furthermore, our method has a lot of advantages including global ocean dataset support, real-time, dynamic reflection of ocean, the foam on the wave, smooth transition from deep ocean to seacoast, etc. The experimental results demonstrate the realism and effectiveness of our approach.
出处 《Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing》 2015年第2期47-53,共7页 计算机辅助绘图设计与制造(英文版)
基金 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.61170205 61472010 and 61421062) National Key Technology Support Program(No.2013BAK03B07) National Key Technology R&D Program(2015BAK01B06) Shenzhen Gov Projects(JCYJ20130331144416448)
关键词 FFT wave model real-time rendering REFLECTION REFRACTION foam FFT wave model real-time rendering reflection refraction foam
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