

The Allocation and Operation of Modern Prison Medical Resources
摘要 监狱医疗是监狱行刑的基本保障。监狱医疗的最低配置标准是必须满足监狱场所的防疫安全和在押罪犯的基本医疗。在现代监狱法治内涵下,监狱医疗必须割除弊病,因地制宜,优化组合自身和地方社会医疗资源,强化医疗资源的科学配置和有效运营,以保障监缓行刑的顺利实施和罪犯的合法权益得到基本满足。当下,监狱医疗资源配置的重点是:科学规划医院(救护站)规模、张列必备机构和设施清单、配备适格适量医疗卫生技术人员、明确医疗经费预算增长机制。医疗机构运营改革的重点是:建立监狱医疗人力资源的互补化管理体制,充分发挥警察、罪犯、聘用人员和社会志愿者四类医疗卫生技术人员的积极作用;建立监狱医疗资源的社会化合作机制,多渠道引入社会医疗资源,为监狱医疗服务。 Prison medical is the basic guarantee of prison execution. The minimum standard of prison medical allocation is to meet the prison medical epidemic prevention safety and the basic medical treatment of prisoners. In the modem prison connotation of rule of law, prison health care must resect ills, adjust measures to local conditions, make combinatorial optimization of their own as well as the local medical resources, and strengthen the scientific allocation of medical resources and effective operation in order to guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of the smooth implementation of security prison execution. At present, the key points of the allocation of medical resources in prison are as follows: scientific planning of hospital (ambulance station) scale, a column list of necessary institutions and facilities, equipped with suitable standard amount of medical and public health technical persons, clear medical budget growth mechanism. The focus of medical institutions operational reform lies in establishing a complementary management system for prison medical human resources, giving full play to the positive role of the police, criminals, employees and community volunteers, setting up a social cooperation mechanism integrating prison medical resources, and introducing social medical resources from different channels to provide better medical services for the prison.
作者 陶新胜
机构地区 无锡监狱
出处 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 2016年第2期78-82,110,共6页 Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers
关键词 现代监狱 医疗资源配置 运营模式 保障 modem prison medical resources allocation operation mode guarantee
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