

Frank Chin's Expansion of the Mandate of Heaven:An Ethical Reading of His Donald Duk
摘要 赵健秀在其成长小说《杜老鸭》中,将昂扬的族裔意识与豪迈的文化情操诉诸笔端,凝聚成一股酣畅淋漓的文化英雄之气,这无疑是华裔美国文学创作史上一次先声夺人的"呛声"之举。本文以伦理批评的视角,从"侠义、忠义、正义"三个层次,分析小说的数位主要人物以及背后的中华英雄文化渊源,探讨赵健秀华裔英雄主义伦理的精神内核,发现作者在伸张英雄主义伦理的同时,不仅恢复了华裔阳刚英武的文化气质和勇于抗争的英雄形象,还藉此补充并升华了孔子天命观,使得整个族裔群体从传统文化的根基上,生发出更纯粹的斗争自信与斗争力量。 Frank Chin delightfully enriches his bildungsroman Donald Duk with exuberant Chinese American cultural heroism, and a strong consciousness of Chinese American identity and sensibility, presenting a strong protest voice through Donald Duk, the young protagonist. This article analyzes the relationship between the growth of Donald Duk and traditional Chinese culture with a focus on Donald Duk's ethical choice, and expounds Chin's concepts of chivalry, faithfulness, and justice. We find that Chin's discursive delineation of the tradition of Chinese heroic ethics recovers the image of Chinese American masculinity and the spirit of protest, and expands and enriches the Confucian concept of "the mandate of heaven," which reinforces the power of traditional Chinese culture for Chinese Americans in their struggle for racial equality.
作者 李贵苍 闫姗
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期86-93,共8页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 侠义 伦理正义 天命观 《杜老鸭》 chivalry ethical justice mandate of heaven Donald Duk
  • 相关文献


  • 1Frank Chin, Donald Duk, 2nd ed(Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 1997.
  • 2M·H·艾布拉姆斯.《欧美文学术语词典》,朱金鹏朱磊译.北京:北京大学出版社,1990年.
  • 3Chin, Frank. "Come All Ye Asian American Writers of the Real and the Fake." The Big Aiiieeeee! ." An Anthology of Chinese American and Japanese American Literature. Ed. Jeffery Paul Chan, Frank Chin, Lawson Fusao Inada, and Shaven Wong. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc., 1991.1-92.
  • 4Chin, Frank.DonaldDuk. 2nd ed. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 1997.
  • 5Chin, Frank."Lowe Hoy and the Strange Three-Legged Toad." Bulletproof Buddhists and Other Essays. Hawaii: U ofHawaii P, 1998. 199-328.
  • 6孔子:“里仁(第四)”,《论语今读》,李泽厚著.北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2008年.
  • 7顾颉刚:“圣贤文化与民众文化”,《二十世纪中国民俗学经典·民俗理论卷》,苑利主编.北京:社会科学文献出版社,2002年.10—14.
  • 8Leonard, Suzanne. "Dreaming as Cultural Work in DonaMDuk and Dreaming in Cuban." Melus 29.2 (2004): 181- 203.
  • 9墨子:“兼爱(中)”,《墨子闲诂》,孙诒让编.北京:中华书局,2001年.
  • 10孙启治:“前言”,《墨子闲诂》,孙诒让编.北京:中华书局,2001年.1-8.








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