
基于成员自我展示的虚拟社区自运行机制——自我展示的效用及其对社会认同的影响 被引量:7

The Self-running Mechanism of Virtual Communities Based on Members' Self-presentation
摘要 虚拟社区中的自我展示已经成为人们日常生活不可缺少的部分。由于匿名性,自我展示充满了个性化。从自我展示的数量和个性化两个角度,分析和检验自我展示产生的社会和心理效用,以及以社会和心理效用为中介,自我展示对社会认同的影响。为评价理论模型,进行了问卷调研,共收到351份有效问卷。数据分析显示,自我展示可以直接产生的社会和心理效用包括:社会互动联结、自尊和独特感。通过这些效用的中介作用,自我展示可以促进社会认同的形成。以前的研究,分别用自我归类和社会归属表示社会认同。本文中,社会认同是指社会归属,可以满足人们的归属需求。本文所构建的理论模型反映了虚拟社区的自运行机制,具有重要的理论和实践意义。 Self-presentation is the major form of members' participations in virtual communities, but there is little research about the roles which self-presentation plays in virtual communities. Because of anonymity, participants Voice various opinions rather than conform to others in virtual communities, and thus the self-presentation is more individual. This study constructs a research model, aiming to find the social and psychological effects which self-presentation plays in virtual communities, and the influence of self-presentation on social identity. In order to test the research model and hypotheses, we conducted a survey. The collection of data lasted one month and a total of 351 valid questionnaires were collected. This study indicates that self-presentation can directly produce three social and psychology utilities: social interaction tie, membership esteem, sense of uniqueness, and based on these three utilities' mediating effects, indirectly produce another important social or psychological utility: social identity. Based on the analysis of literature, we found, in previous studies on the formation of social identity, social identity were respectively embodied as two distinct forms: self-categorization and social identification. This study also has several managerial implications to the virtual community operators, because it describes the self-running mechanism of virtual communities.
出处 《系统工程》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期144-152,共9页 Systems Engineering
关键词 自我展示 社会认同 社会互动 自尊 独特感 虚拟社区 Self-presentation Social Identity Social Interaction Self-esteem Sense of Uniqueness Virtual Communities
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