采用扫描电子显微镜分析法(SEM)和X射线衍射法,研究了低活化马氏体(CLAM)钢TIG焊接接头在500℃的静态液态Pb-Bi合金中腐蚀400 h的腐蚀行为。结果表明,试样表面有明显的腐蚀现象。试样表面形成了具有保护作用的氧化层,外氧化层为疏松多孔的Fe_3O_4,内氧化层为致密的FeCr_2O_4,基体内部没有发现Pb、Bi的渗透。并且对比分析了不同焊接热输入的焊接接头的腐蚀机理。
The corrosion behavior of China low activation martensitic (CLAM) steel TIG welded joint in stagnant-liquid lead bismuth alloy at 500℃ for 400 h was studied by scanning electron microscopy analysis (SEM) and X-ray diffraction method. The results show that the sample surface has obvious corrosion phenomenon. Sample surface forms a protective oxide layer, in which the outer oxide layer is loose and porous Fe304 ,then, the inner oxide layer is dense FeCr204. The penetration of Pb and Bi into the matrix is not found. The corrosion mechanism of the welded joints under different welding heat inputs was analyzed.
Hot Working Technology