
从TALIS(2013)解密芬兰教师教育一体化的经验与启示 被引量:8

Explore the Experience and Enlightenment of Finnish Teacher Education Integration from TALIS(2013)
摘要 芬兰学生在国际学生评价项目(PISA)中屡次表现突出,国际教育界公认芬兰办出了世界一流的基础教育,其教师教育也引发了广泛关注和思考。本文根据国际教学环境调查(英文简称TALIS)2013的数据阐述了芬兰在职前、入职及职后的一套较为完善而连贯的教师教育一体化体系,以期对我国基础教育教师教育一体化提供有益经验和启示。 Finnish students repeatedly performed very well in the international PISA test, making the international education circle universally acknowledge that Finland has run out of the world first-class international basic education and its' teacher education also has drawn wide international attention and thinking. This article exploits the International Teaching and Learning Survey 2013(TALIS) data to explore the secret of Finland teacher education. The result shows that Finland has a strict screening and lays a solid foundation for the pre-service teacher candidates, having a timely guidance for the new teachers to improve them as early as possible, while it's always in the pursuit of life-long learning and promoting the in-service teachers' continuing professional development. Therefore, Finland has formed a set of complete and coherent integration of teacher education system, which will provide useful experiences and enlightenment for our basic education teacher education integration.
作者 王钰巧 方征
出处 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期44-48,共5页 Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad
基金 贵州省教育改革发展研究十大招标课题<贵州省中小学校长职级制实施机制研究>(2015ZD003) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目<省级统筹体制下政府间义务教育筹资责任分担研究一广东省为例>(11YJC880046) 华南师范大学研究生科研创新基金资助(2014ssxm57)的部分研究成果
关键词 芬兰 基础教育 TALIS 教师教育一体化 Finland basic education TALIS teacher education integration
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