目的 探讨社区居民超重肥胖人群踝臂脉搏波传导速度(baPWV)的变化特征及与高血压、高血脂、高血糖等相关危险因素的关系。方法 武汉市主城区2个社区2014年1-12月健康体检无重大慢性疾病相对健康成年人1 243人,按体质指数(BMI)分为体质量正常组(BMI〈24.0kg/m^2)、超重组(BMI 24.0-27.9kg/m^2)和肥胖组(BMI〉28.0kg/m^2),回顾分析3组间baPWV的差异和高血压、高血脂、高血糖检出率差异。结果 随着BMI从正常到肥胖的增高,baPWV呈逐渐上升趋势,体质量正常组为(1361.4±189.8)cm/s,超重组为(1 527.8±221.4)cm/s,肥胖组为(1636.5±305.7)cm/s,差异均有显著性(P〈0.01);3组高血压的检出率为体质量正常组17.9%超重组35%肥胖组40.1%(P〈0.01),高血脂的检出率为体质量正常组28%超重组53%肥胖组79.6%(P〈0.01),高血糖的检出率为体质量正常组3.6%超重组23.6%肥胖组24.1%(P〈0.01)。结论 武汉市社区人群随着BMI增大,踝臂脉搏波传导速度明显增快,血管弹性减低,且高血压、高血脂、高血糖的检出率增高,社区居民控制体质量,使体质指数保持在正常范围内,对维护血管健康、减缓动脉硬化的发展进程、预防心脑血管疾病有重要临床意义。
Objective To investigate the variation of brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) and the correlation of baPWV, blood hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia for obesity and over-weighted persons in Wuhan community. Method 1243 relatively healthy adults in the central urban areas of Wuhan city were selected by health check-up during January 2014 and December 2014 in Tongji Hospital. These persons were divided into three groups according to body mass index (BMI) as follow: normal body weight group (BMI〈24.0 kg/m^2 ), over-weight group (BMI between 24.0-27.9 kg/m^2) and obesity group(BMI〉28kg/m^2 ). The variation of baPWV, prevalence of hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia in the three groups were analyzed. Results The baPWV increased with increasing of BMI. It was 1361.4±189.8 cm/s in normal body weight group, 1 527.8±221.4cm/s in overweight group and 1 636.5±303.7 cm/s in obesity group respectively. There was significant difference between these groups. (P〈0.01). The prevalence of hypertension was 17.9% in normal body weight group, 35% in overweight group and 40.1% in obesity group respectively. The prevalence of hyperlipidemia was 28% in normal body weight group, 53% in overweight group and 79.6 % in obesity group respectively. There was significant difference between those groups different(P〈0.01 ). The prevalence of hyperglycemia was 3.6% in normal body weight group, 23.6 in overweight group and 24.1% in obesity group respectively, There was significant difference between those groups different(P〉0.01). Conclusions The baPWV increased with BMI in the community in Wuhan, which implied the decreasing of elasticity of the blood vessels, and the prevalence of blood hypertension, hyperlipidemla and hyperglycemia increased with a higher BMI. Weight control in the community is very important for the health of the blood vessels, retarding the arteriosclerosis and preventing the cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease.
Journal of Nurses Training
Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity
Risk factors
Community residence