研究无基质脐血血红蛋白体外条件下的氧化和还原反应,在血红蛋白溶液中加入一定量的氧化剂和还原剂,测定氧饱和度和高铁血红蛋白含量随时间的变化。结果表明:自氧化时,4 h内高铁血红蛋白含量由5%升高至35%;叠氮钠催化氧化时,4 h内高铁血红蛋白含量由5%升高至65%;加入VC后,3 h内高铁血红蛋白含量由45%降至5%左右。无基质血红蛋白在体外条件极易被氧化;VC的加入能够有效抑制高铁血红蛋白含量,且其对血红蛋白溶液的还原顺序为:先清除溶解氧,再清除结合氧,最后还原高铁血红蛋白;同时加入氮氧自由基,并不能加速VC对高铁血红蛋白的还原,但明显缩短了还原时间。
The purpose of this paper is to research the redox reactions of hemoglobin in vitro. The content of methemoglobin and oxygen saturation is measured with time going by when oxidant and reductant is added into hemoglobin solution.The content of methemoglobin is climbing from 5% to 35% by autoxidation and from 5% to 65% by sodium azide mediated oxidation; however,the content of methemoglobin is reducing from 45% to 5% when VC is added. Placenta hemoglobin is oxidized easily in vitro; VC could reduce the content of methemoglobin effectively and the restore sequence is cleaning dissolved oxygen firstly,then consuming bound oxygen,and reducing methemoglobin lastly; TEMPO could shorten the time of reducing,but it could not led to faster reduction rate.
Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering(Natural Science Edition)