
临床副溶血弧菌血清型及基因分型特征研究 被引量:6

Serotyping and genotyping study of clinical Vibrio parahaemolyticus
摘要 目的了解本地区腹泻患者中副溶血弧菌(VP)血清型及分子分型特征,为VP感染的防控提供科学参考。方法对2010~2014年收集到的62菌株进行血清型分型;采用PCR检测溶血素相关毒力基因(tdh和trh);利用多位点序列分型(MLST)进行分子分型。结果 62株菌株分属7种不同的血清型,O3∶K6型居首,共46株,占74.19%,其次是O4∶K68(6株)。毒力相关基因检测发现tdh阳性株占95.16%(59株),而trh阳性者仅3株。分子分型确定7种STs,其中ST3型占85.50%(53株),其他ST型散在分布。结论 O3∶K6血清型VP是本地区最主要的分离株,大多携带tdh毒力基因,ST3型是优势流行型别。 Objective To study the distribution and molecular characteristics of Vibrio parahaemolyticus(VP)in patients with acute diarrhea,and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of VP infection.Methods From 2010 to 2014,62 VP isolates were collected from patients with acute diarrhea,for serotyping and virulence gene(tdh and tdh)detection of VP.Molecular characteristics analysis was carried out by using multi-locus sequence typing(MLST).Results 7 different serotypes were found from the 62 isolates.O3∶K6was the most common serotype of VP,accounting for 74.19%(46isolates),followed by O4∶K68(6isolates).Tdh gene was the mainly virulence gene,with a percentage of 95.16%(59isolates),only three isolates were trh positive.7STs were found through MLST analysis of 62 VP isolates,among which,ST3 was the most important type,accounted for 85.50%(53isolates).Conclusion O3∶K6serotype VP was the most prevalent type.Tdh gene is the most important virulence gene of WP.ST3 was the the dominant epidemic type.
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2016年第8期1028-1029,共2页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
关键词 副溶血弧菌 毒力基因 血清型 基因分型 vibrio parahaemolyticus serotyping virulence genotyping
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