
应用AMMI模型对玉米杂交组合多点试验的稳定性分析 被引量:10

Stability Analysis of Maize Hybrids through Multi-Environment Trials Using AMMI Model
摘要 选育高产并适应某一区域的玉米品种需要进行多年多点试验,正确地分析多年多点试验结果对育种家能做出正确抉择尤其关键。本研究以24个玉米组合在6个地点的产量试验为对象,应用METAR和AMMI模型,对这些试验基本参数和玉米组合的稳定性进行分析评价。结果表明,METAR能方便地对多点试验进行基本分析;利用AMMI模型分别以1个到多个IPCA主成分轴分析G×E交互作用效应,发现当用2个主成分进行分析时,2个IPCA达极显著水平;AMMI双标图分析结果表明,24个参试玉米组合中,5号组合、8号组合和3号组合应为本试验中丰产性和稳定性较好的组合,而组合23产量最低且稳定性最差,为本试验表现最差组合。 To select one maize hybrid with high yield adapting to a certain agro- ecological zone,the many- year and multi- environment trials will be needed,and properly analyzing the trial results will be key to the decision of breeders. In this research,the trial with 24 maize crosses as materials was carried out in 6locations to analyze the basic parameters by METAR and evaluate the relative stability of the crosses based on AMMI model. The results indicated that METAR could facilitate the basic analysis of multi- environment trials. The interaction effect of genotype and environment( G × E) was analyzed by one or more IPCA primary component axis of AMMI model,and it was found that the first 2 IPCAs showed significant differences when they were used. The results of AMMI analysis showed that,out of the 24 maize crosses,No. 5,8 and 3 crosses had higher yield and better stability,while No. 23 cross had the lowest yield and the worst stability.
出处 《山东农业科学》 2016年第4期24-27,33,共5页 Shandong Agricultural Sciences
基金 江苏省"作物生产与保护"重点专业群项目(2012074)
关键词 玉米 多点试验 METAR软件 AMMI模型 Maize Multi-environment trial METAR software AMMI model
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