To select one maize hybrid with high yield adapting to a certain agro- ecological zone,the many- year and multi- environment trials will be needed,and properly analyzing the trial results will be key to the decision of breeders. In this research,the trial with 24 maize crosses as materials was carried out in 6locations to analyze the basic parameters by METAR and evaluate the relative stability of the crosses based on AMMI model. The results indicated that METAR could facilitate the basic analysis of multi- environment trials. The interaction effect of genotype and environment( G × E) was analyzed by one or more IPCA primary component axis of AMMI model,and it was found that the first 2 IPCAs showed significant differences when they were used. The results of AMMI analysis showed that,out of the 24 maize crosses,No. 5,8 and 3 crosses had higher yield and better stability,while No. 23 cross had the lowest yield and the worst stability.
Shandong Agricultural Sciences