The author's previous paper was entitled Is Gong Pengcheng a Sage? It was written seven years ago. And now it comes to its sequel, Gong Pengcheng Is a Sage! Both center on the book of The Self-report of Gong Pengcheng at the Age of Forty(The present edition is entitled Peng Cheng Wen Dao), aiming at having a restricted view on its essence. Yet, for the author's shallow understanding of it, the papers weren't published. The examples are not given in the thesis because they are all in the original book. The previous thesis was an emotional expression while the present a rational analysis; the previous one was hope and expectation while the present joy and praise. The inheritance and renaissance of traditional Chinese culture is Gong's aspiration to culture: It is his accomplishment to activate traditional Chinese culture and merge Confucianism into daily life; it is his attitude to fuse a variety of fields perfectly; it is his orientation in Chinese culture history to inherit Confucianism. Thus, serving as a link between past and present, Gong Pengcheng is regarded from any aspect as the second sage: an academic master and an excellent writer who is highly praised.
Journal of Hengshui University
Gong Pengcheng
The Self-report of Gong Pengcheng at the Age of Forty
cultural aspiration
traditional Chinese culture