
论国外职前教师教育改革的热点与特征 被引量:1

On Hot Topics and Characteristics of Initial teacher Education Reform Abroad
摘要 世界职前教师教育改革热点是各国、各国际组织共同关注的改革焦点聚合的产物。世界各国职前教师教育改革焦点在差异中具有相似性,欧盟、印度、拉美、非洲等地区关注的职前教师教育问题分别是:教师专业建设、国家课程框架、优质项目打造与优质改革经验吸收,而OECD、UNESCO、IALEI等国际组织关注的是职前教师教育体系的优化,全方位职前教师教育改革的推进,以及"教师专业"内涵的重构等问题。国外职前教师教育改革的共同特征是:以专业建设为内核,以课程建设是为抓手,以实践能力建设为焦点,自觉关注弱势教师的专业发展。 The hot topics of initial teachereducation reform abroad is a kind of product focused by every country and international organization. There are many similarities among all the above countries, such as European Union, India, Latin American Countries, Africa, which are all about teacher professional development, national curricular frame, quality program and excellent reform experience. As to international organization, such as they OECD?UNESCO?IALEI, they pay more stresses on optimization of pre-service teacher education system, all-round advance of pre-service teacher education innovation and reconstruction of teacher profession concept. There are a lot of common points of foreign teacher education innovations, that is, placing professional development on the core, keeping a firmgraspon curricular construction, placing the focus on practical ability, and concerning about weak teacher’s professional development actively.
作者 龙宝新
出处 《现代教育论丛》 2016年第2期53-61,共9页 Modern Education Review
基金 2015年度全国教育科学规划重点项目"卓越教师职前成长微环境研究"(项目编号:DAA150203)阶段性成果
关键词 国外 职前教师教育 改革热点 国际组织 特征 foreign countries pre-service teacher education reform focus international organization characteristics
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