
中国院校研究功能之研究 被引量:7

The Role of Institutional Research in Chinese Higher Education
摘要 本文通过调查研究方法,对中国院校研究机构的角色及院校研究的功能进行了分析研究。结果显示,中国院校研究机构扮演着多重角色,如科学研究机构、信息权威机构、院校智能体系管理机构、政策分析和支持机构及对外信息提供机构等。院校研究的功能较均衡地分布在校本研究、大学描述、决策支持、院校知识管理等领域。但统计数据也显示,中国院校研究机构在上面阐述的这些领域所扮演的各项角色还不够强,发挥的各项功能还很弱,特别是在决策支持方面发挥的作用还很小。本研究建议,中国高校应协调好院校研究的"行政性"功能与"科研性"工作之间的关系,加强大学数据系统建设功能,提升院校研究办公室在对外信息发布、办学绩效和学生学习方面的研究力度,营造良好的院校研究氛围,为"循证"决策服务。 This study examines the role of institutional research in Chinese higher education.The results show that institutional research in Chinese higher education functions as researcher,information authority,data system developer,and policy analyst.Institutional research plays multiple roles in Chinese universities and colleges,including describing the institution,presenting the best cases,analyzing alternatives,supplying impartial evidence of effectiveness,and managing institutional information.The results also show that the functions and roles of institutional research in these areas are very weak,especially in providing evidence to support policy making.The study suggests that institutional researchers should better balance academic research and institutional research,enhance data system development,promote the function as information authority,spend more time examining and improving operational effectiveness and student learning,and build a university-wide institutional research environment to support evidencebased decision making.
作者 常桐善
出处 《化工高等教育》 2016年第2期1-6,87,共7页 Higher Education in Chemical Engineering
关键词 院校研究 院校研究功能 Institutional research Role of institutional research
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