

The Rise of China and Hong Kong's New Economy
摘要 金融危机对包括香港在内的世界各国和地区带来深远影响。在应对金融危机过程中,香港得到来自中央政府的极大支持,先后出台了一系列有针对性的措施和援救办法,取得了积极成效。反思这一过程,香港特区政府应该摒弃殖民主义时期试图造成和内地形成区隔的种种体制和做法,积极寻求和内地及全球经济变化趋势相适应的新架构和新政策。在自身发展方面,应该在在"前店"基础上增加新的功能、成为内地金融国际化的桥头堡、担当海峡两岸的金融中介角色等方面下功夫。对于中央政府层面,应积极争取将中国国际投资公司的营运中心设在香港,成立两间公营和独立的投资公司,从而推动香港金融业结构的调整,促使其发展为世界级的国际金融中心。 The Global Financial Crisis has brought devastating impact to economies all over the world,including Hong Kong.With the support of the Central Government,Hong Kong has carried out a series of stimulus measures to cope with the economic hardship and has achieved remarkable recovery within a short period of time.To strengthen cooperation between Hong Kong and the mainland,the former colonial institutional system in Hong Kong should be modified.The Hong Kong Special Administrative Government should formulate new development strategies in response to China's new economy as well as global changes.Apart from Hong Kong's former role of the'Front-Shop',new functions should be developed.Hong Kong should also strive to become a bridgehead for China's lagging financial sector and serve as a financial mediator between Taiwan and the mainland.On the other hand,the Central Government should encourage China's public and private investment institutions to establish their international operating headquarters in Hong Kong,to facilitate Hong Kong's financial restructuring and become a global financial hub.
作者 薛凤旋
出处 《当代港澳研究》 2010年第1期67-75,202,共10页 Studies on Hong Kong and Macao
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