Systematical experimental study has been carried out on liquation (liquid seperation) of granitic silicate melt containing tungsten and tin at the conditions of 850℃ and 150 MPa. The experiments were conducted in rapid quenched high-pressure vessel system.Two kinds of glass, used as starting meterial, were made from Dengfuxian coarse porphyritic biotite granite enriched in W (0. 45 wB% ) and Sn (0. 50 wB%) and Dachang granular biotitemuscovite granite enriched in W (0. 16 wB% ) and Sn (0. 13 wB%). The results of the experiments indicate that the quenched product glass contains no newly-formed minerals through observation under 200 times microscope and with determination of the X-rays diffraction. The final glass of each run consists of both lightedolor and dark-color parts which represent two phases of liquid-separated melt. The color of the light gIass varies with the composition of the systems. In the granite-KF-H2O and granite-NaCl-H2O systems, the light glass is colorless.In the granite-KP-H2O system, the light part is lightly brown. In the Rranite-LiF-H2O system, the light glass appears milkwhite. The color of the dark glass hardly varies with the different compositions of the systems, and appears darkbrown or grew-black. In tbe quenched glass, the dark part is dominant and takes a portion of more than 80 percent. The data of the compositions for the two portions of glass contains relatively much silica and less Fe2O3,FeO, TiO2, MgO, CaO. On the contact line between two phases of glass, there does not exist gradually varying zone of the composition, which indicates that complete liquid separation has taken place.
Systematical experimental study has been carried out on liquation (liquid seperation) of granitic silicate melt containing tungsten and tin at the conditions of 850℃ and 150 MPa. The experiments were conducted in rapid quenched high-pressure vessel system.Two kinds of glass, used as starting meterial, were made from Dengfuxian coarse porphyritic biotite granite enriched in W (0. 45 wB% ) and Sn (0. 50 wB%) and Dachang granular biotitemuscovite granite enriched in W (0. 16 wB% ) and Sn (0. 13 wB%). The results of the experiments indicate that the quenched product glass contains no newly-formed minerals through observation under 200 times microscope and with determination of the X-rays diffraction. The final glass of each run consists of both lightedolor and dark-color parts which represent two phases of liquid-separated melt. The color of the light gIass varies with the composition of the systems. In the granite-KF-H2O and granite-NaCl-H2O systems, the light glass is colorless.In the granite-KP-H2O system, the light part is lightly brown. In the Rranite-LiF-H2O system, the light glass appears milkwhite. The color of the dark glass hardly varies with the different compositions of the systems, and appears darkbrown or grew-black. In tbe quenched glass, the dark part is dominant and takes a portion of more than 80 percent. The data of the compositions for the two portions of glass contains relatively much silica and less Fe2O3,FeO, TiO2, MgO, CaO. On the contact line between two phases of glass, there does not exist gradually varying zone of the composition, which indicates that complete liquid separation has taken place.