Geosyncline-platform geotectonics is aimed at the reconstruction of the Earth’s tectonic evo-lution history, and belongs to the category of historic geotectonics. Plate tectonics exp1ores pri-marily the motion of lithospheric blocks and belongs to the category of dynamic geotectoncis. Eachof them has its own advantages and strong points. However, both are difficult to meet the require-ments for an overall research on all-round tectonic problems- In order to make use of each one’sadvantages more effectively, an integrative, new type geotectonics called crustobody geotectonicsis here proposed. It is a branch of geotectonics which deals integratively with both evolution andmovement of the Earth’s crust by means of the concept of crustobody and the historic-dghamic in-tegrative analysis method.
Geosyncline-platform geotectonics is aimed at the reconstruction of the Earth’s tectonic evo-lution history, and belongs to the category of historic geotectonics. Plate tectonics exp1ores pri-marily the motion of lithospheric blocks and belongs to the category of dynamic geotectoncis. Eachof them has its own advantages and strong points. However, both are difficult to meet the require-ments for an overall research on all-round tectonic problems- In order to make use of each one’sadvantages more effectively, an integrative, new type geotectonics called crustobody geotectonicsis here proposed. It is a branch of geotectonics which deals integratively with both evolution andmovement of the Earth’s crust by means of the concept of crustobody and the historic-dghamic in-tegrative analysis method.