目的研究Alberta婴儿运动量表(AIMS)在高危儿早期运动发育评价中的应用。方法对72例无高危因素婴儿和42例高危儿进行Alberta运动发育评估,在高危儿组中对AIMS评分百分位数在第5百分位以下者根据首次评估结果制定康复方案予以早期干预治疗。结果高危儿组AIMS平均得分较无高危因素健康婴儿组低,进行干预治疗3个月后其AIMS评分、百分位数明显提高。结论 AIMS可以对高危儿的早期运动发育进行筛查、评估及指导训练。
Objective To discuss the application of Alberta infant motor scale(AIMS) in high-risk infants in the evaluation of early motor development. Methods The alberta motor development assessment was conducted for 72 cases with no risk factors infants and 42 cases with highrisk infant, the case of AIMS score percentile below the 5th percentile in high risk infants group, developed a rehabilitation plan to be early intervention treatment according to the first evaluation results. Results The average score of AIMS in high risk infants group was lower than healthy infants group, intervention after 3 months of treatment, the AIMS score percentile increased significantly. Conclusion AIMS can screen, assess and train early motor development of high-risk infants.
China Continuing Medical Education