
马克思对“本体论思维方式”的历史性变革 被引量:3

The Historical Transformation of "Ontological Thinking Mode" by Marx
摘要 本文试图从本体论角度来探讨马克思在哲学理论上所实现的历史性变革。首先,文章指出,传统本体论在黑格尔哲学那里走到了它的尽头,并考察了传统本体论哲学的问题。接着,文章讨论了传统本体论的根基与理由,即,"人性"的根基。然后,文章探讨了马克思对哲学的思维方式和哲学观的转变。那么,在这种转变之后,本体论这种理论形式是否还会存在下去,文章最后讨论了这个问题。认为,否定传统哲学意义上的"本体论思维方式"不等于否定"本体"问题的理论研究,并对"本体"与马克思的"实践"进行了分析比较。 Ontology is the central theory of western philosophy.And in a sense,the his- tory of western philosophy could be said as the history of ontological theory.The relation between Marx's philosophy and the ontological philosophy is exphcit.In Marx's age,the traditional ontology came to its topmost shape in Hegel's philo- sophy.At the same time,it came into crisis.And Marx changed the old philo- sophical tradition and put philosophy on a new base,that is,he realized the histor- ical transformation of philosophical theory. Ontology is the theoretical shape of pure rationalism.Greek philosophers loca- ted the crowning wisdom at the cognitive theory.The goal of this theory was to pur- sue the being that is behind the phenomena.And the split implicated in traditional ontology brought many questions that it cant resolve in itself.It could be said that the development of modern philosophy was relevant to the immanent contradictionof traditional ontology.However modern philosophy was still in the sphere of tradi- tional ontology. The traditional ontology that dominated human thought for two thousand years had its foundation and reason.According to the author this foundation is huma- nity.Man is a kind of being with twofold essence.On the one hand man has natural essence and on the other hand he could create his for-itself essence and personal life through his living action.This twofold essence indicated that man is a compli- cated and contradictory being.Although the ancient ontological philosophy devel- oped one aspect of human essence yet it ignored the other that is human personal life. Many philosophers tried their best to go out of traditional ontology but only Marx succeeded.What Marx changed was not some concrete viewpoints or theoreti- cal shapes but the philosophical thinking mode and the philosophical view.This change meant the change of philosophical ultimate characters (including the ob- ject,content and function of philosophy).Only after this change could philosophy get back'man'(the real man who has his twofold life essence) and'the world of man'(the real living world which was participated by man).At the same time, man gets back the philosophy belonging to man (the philosophy that concentrates on human existence and real life).This is Marx's contribution to philosophy and human thoughts. After this change,then,does the theoretical shape of ontology still have its reason and value to survive?The term of ontology is an unclear concept to which people developed various explanations.And the traditional ontology has a relatively determinate meaning,namely,the theoretical shape originated by Plato and fi- nished by Hegel.In this sense,the author suggests that the ontology that embodies the traditional thinking mode is dead.However the negation of the traditional onto- logical thinking mode is not equal to that of ontology itself.The point is that the quality of ontology changed.For example,it is indubitable that praxis is a central concept in Marx's philosophy.But we should not reduce Marx's philosophy to prac- tical ontology because the concept of ontology can't express the meaning of praxis completely.That is to say,Marx's idea of praxis changed the philosophical think- ing mode but not the ontological shape.
作者 高清海
机构地区 吉林大学哲学系
出处 《当代国外马克思主义评论》 2004年第1期33-40,262,共12页 Contemporary Marxism Review
关键词 本体论 马克思 人性 实践 Ontology Marx Humanity Praxis
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