
解放何以可能?——马克思的本体论革命 被引量:2

How Can Emancipation Be Possible?——Marx's Ontological Revolution
摘要 本文认为,本体论问题是探索马克思本体论的理论前提,因此,本文首先探讨了对于本体论的理解。作者认为,寻求"何以可能"的根据,是本体论的实质;寻求"什么"何以可能的根据,则构成本体论的历史。接着,文章考察了黑格尔的本体论遗产和马克思对它的扬弃。认为,马克思的本体论,既从思维方式上与传统本体论断裂,又从"人的解放何以可能"的求索中开辟了它的现代道路。最后,文章认为,马克思的本体论革命包括三个方面,一是把本体论对"何以可能"的追问定位为"人的解放何以可能"的寻求;二是把对"人的解放何以可能"的寻求诉诸对人的历史活动的理解;三是把对"人的解放何以可能"的寻求诉诸人对自己既存状态的扬弃。 If we want to study Marx's ontology we cant evade the theoretical premise that is the understanding of ontology itself.In current Chinese academia,the investiga- tions of ontology are developed mainly in three periods.In the first period,the central debate is'what is the right ontology'or'what is Marx's ontology'.And this kind of debate ignored the problem of'what is ontology'and this problem was probed in the second period.The reflection on this problem leaded to the explora- tion on philosophy itself.As a result,the problems of'how is ontology'and'the historical configuration of ontology'constitute the theoretical premise of the discus- sion of Marx's ontology. Philosophy is the theoretical representation of the self-consciousness on hu- man own existence.And the primary question is how human existence can be pos- sible.So ontology should be linked to human existence so as to answer the question of'how is ontology'.The pursuit to philosophical ontology originates from the na- ture of human praxis and thinking as well as the needs of ages.Thus,philosophi- cal ontology always seeks the foundation of human existence according to the needs of ages.Anyway,the pursuit to the foundation of'how is possible'is the matter of ontology while that of how'what'is possible constitutes the history of ontology. The foundation provided to human existence by Hegel's philosophy is the rea- lity that the capital obtained the domination and the individual was dominated by the abstract.Marx's philosophy transcended the inheritance of Hegel's ontology. Marx sought to emancipate man from the domination of the abstract,the things and the capital.The emancipation of man is the keystone of Marx's philosophy.And the foundation of emancipation is the ontological problem of Marx's philosophy.On the one hand Marx's ontology broke from the traditional ontology as much as the thinking mode is concerned.On the other hand it broke its modern path through the ontological search of'how the emancipation of man can be possible'. Marx's ontological revolution includes three aspects principally.The first is,it oriented the examination of'how is possible'to that of'how the emancipation of man is possible'.Thus it transformed the abstract speculation on how the existence of man is possible by traditional ontology.As a result,the theoretical content of ontology was transformed.Secondly,it appealed the'how the emancipation of man is possible'to the understanding of human historical action.Accordingly it transformed the idealist exploration to the action of human consciousness and based his theory on materialistic conception of history.Finally,it appealed the'how the emancipation of man is possible'to the transcendence of the given condition of be- ing.Consequently it changed the traditional orientation of'how is possible'to some'eternal presence'and realized the unification of ontology and the'revolu- tionary,critical'dialectics.
作者 孙正聿
出处 《当代国外马克思主义评论》 2004年第1期76-89,267,共17页 Contemporary Marxism Review
关键词 本体论 马克思 Ontology Marx Marxism
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  • 1[德]黑格尔(G·W·F·Hegel) 著,贺麟.小逻辑[M]商务印书馆,1980.










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