

The Transformation of Theoretical Core and the Transition of Interpretative Principle——Marx's Philosophy and the Change of the Paradigm of "Ontology"
摘要 本文试图探讨马克思通过实践观点而实现的本体论思想的范式转换。首先,文章考察了马克思所面对的强大理论传统,即知性化的实体本体论。接着,文章讨论了马克思的立场,即把存在论从"知性实体"置换到"感性实践",从理论硬核处摧毁超感性的"知性实体"的统治。然后,文章探讨了从"超感性实体"到"感性实践"的置换中所发生的基本解释原则的跃迁。最后,文章认为,马克思在本体论思想上所实现的范式转换标志着一种新的理论传统的诞生。 It is through transcending and overcoming its tradition that a theoretical trans- formation happens.And Marx is not an exception.In the tradition he faced,being was substantiated.It is transcendent,namely,transcending the sensible world.It transcends space-time and has an eternal presence.It is absolute true and infi- nite perfection.As a result it is the intellectual logic and conceptualized thought that correspond to the rational substance that transcends the sensibility.So the ba- sic principles and theoretical paradigms of traditional ontology could be charac- terized as chasing the ultimate absolute consciousness,pursuing the root,searching for a unitary thought between the opposition of two poles,insisting on the rule of identity,and putting logic upon existential praxis. And Marx's theoretical standpoint was to change the base of ontology from the intellectual substance to sensible praxis,that is,to destroy the domination of the former.And the critique of traditional ontology was concentrated on the critique of Hegel's philosophy.According to Marx,the essential false of Hegel is that he took the abstract and supersensible thinking as the ontological base of his philosophy. Consequently,his philosophy is extremely abstract.The aim of Marx's critique was to establish a new kind of ontology,namely,the existential ontology that is based on human existential praxis and existential mode. According to Marx,the foundation of world is not in the supersensible sub- stance that is out of the world but in the immanent relation between world and hu- man existential praxis.World is the immanent moment of human existential praxis. It comes into being during human existential praxis.From the perspective of the relation between man and world,the existential praxis,as human objective sensi- ble action,embodies and constitutes the primary relation between man and world. Moreover the existential praxis precedes the abstract epistemic relation between man and world.And from the perspective of human being,the praxis,as human prime mode of existence and action,also refers to human special life mode.It in- dicates that man is the unique being that is sensible and objective in the world. The transformation of the paradigm from the supersensible substance to the sensible practical action has a great significance in the history of ontological theory. Existential ontology ended the intellectualized substantial ontology and began with a new approach to ontological problem.In this approach,we should set about human existential action to pursue the foundation of being.The answer to the ques- tion of being is contained in human existential praxis.In the relation between logic and existence,intellectuality and life,theory and praxis,static and dynamic,the latter has the ontological priority.Man,world,and the relation between man and world originate from the existential praxis but not from intellectualized logic action. And the real living world constituted with existential praxis is the ontological world. The initiation of the new theoretical paradigm means the end of the old tradi- tion and the beginning of the new one.Ontology gets a new theoretical life in the perspective of contemporary philosophy.
作者 贺来
机构地区 吉林大学哲学系
出处 《当代国外马克思主义评论》 2004年第1期100-115,270,共20页 Contemporary Marxism Review
关键词 马克思 本体论 范式 Marx Ontology Paradigm
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