
评“西方马克思主义”对马克思主义经济理论的否定与肯定 被引量:4

On Western Màrxism's Negation and Affirmation of Marxist Economic Theory
摘要 "西方马克思主义"理论家对马克思主义经济学的六个方面进行了否定与贬低:一、马克思主义经济学在整个马克思主义理论体系中的地位;二、关于经济、生产力归根到底起决定作用的论断;三、劳动价值论和剩余价值学说;四、资本主义经济危机的理论;五、关于剥削的理论;六、生产方式理论。同时,他们对马克思主义经济学的四个方面进行了肯定与维护:一、关于经济理性的理论;二、关于资本主义生产目的的理论;三、关于资本主义经济运行方式的理论;四、关于劳动分工的理论。 Although'Western Marxism'is above all a theory,on philosophy and aesthe- tics,yet those theorists can not put economics aside to do their study.As a result, classic'Western Marxism'has not special works on economics but it has its own economic thoughts. The negation and debasement of Marxist economic theory by Western Marxist theorists could he concluded as six aspects.The first aspect is the status of Marxist economics in the whole system of Marxist theory.Lukács,Frankfurt School and Althusser all regard Marxism only as a kind of philosophy and despise Marxist eco- nomics.And many Western Marxist theorists even read Capital as a book of philos- ophy but not of economics.The second aspect is the decisive function of economy and productivity.The negation of Marxist economics by Western Marxist theorists is consistent with their negation of economy itself.They are the most impetuous critics of'economic determinism'in contemporary western society.And this cri- tique is carried through all the works of those representative characters of'Western Marxism'.The third aspect is the theory of labor value and the doctrine of surplus value.The Western Marxist theorists almost all take the negative attitude to the theory of labor value and the doctrine of surplus value in Marxist economics.And the discussion of Marcuse and Habermas are most systematic and radical.Although their argument against the theory of labor value and the doctrine of surplus value could be confuted,yet the question is not so simple in fact.We should do more re- search with the integration of theory and practice.The fourth aspect is theory of capitalist economic crisis.Habermas asserted that the economic crisis described by Marx would not come forth in contemporary capitalist society.Lefebvre argued that Marxist theory of economic crisis can not help people to discern the contradiction and crisis behind the economic growth.The fifth aspect is the theory of exploita- tion.Western Marxist theorists did new investigation to those new forms of exploi- tation appeared in the late half of 20th century.And this investigation was worth our studying.The sixth aspect is the theory of the mode of production.Cohen ar- gued against the equation of the mode of production to economic structure.And W.H.Shaw considered that the mode of production described by Marx could only be applied in capitalist society. The affirmation and insistence of Marxist economics by Western Marxist theo- rists could be summed as four aspects.The first aspect is the theory of economic rationality.The tenet of Marxist economics is to investigate the appearance,harm and overcoming of economic rationality.The second aspect is the theory of capita- list aim of production.Western Marxists believe that although capitalism has changed a lot during its development of hundreds of years yet its aim of production has not changed a little.The third aspect is the theory of the running mode of capi- talist economics.Western Marxists applied this theory to criticize the spontaneity and blindness of capitalist economy.The fourth aspect is the theory of the labor di- vision.Western Marxists used the theory of labor division as a weapon to reveal the negative results of the subtle labor division nowadays.
作者 陈学明
出处 《当代国外马克思主义评论》 2004年第1期127-140,274,共17页 Contemporary Marxism Review
关键词 “西方马克思主义” 马克思主义经济学 否定 肯定 Western Marxism Marxist Economics Negation Affirmation
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