In this article,the author believes that we are faced with two basic questions: how to understand Marxism totally and how to understand the totality of Marxism? And these two questions result in the whole discussion as following. Generally speaking,Marxism is a kind of practical philosophy and praxis is the essential characteristic of Marxism.This is not a question and the question is how to understand praxis.The praxis as a kind of sensible movement could only be understood totally.And the historical perspective should be introduced to praxis. According to Marx,the relation between theory and praxis is the subject-object dialectics in history.And dialectics is essentially revolutionary and practical.Marx 's historicism does not mean a kind of philosophy on social history but means that history and praxis constitute its fundamental horizon.As a result,his ontology is based on a historical perspective and differentiated from the abstract metaphysical ontology. Metaphysics and dialectics are not opposite categories.And the viewpoints of relation,development and generality are not the essential characteristics of the dia- lectics of true Marxist philosophy.What differentiates Marx from Hegel is the dia- lectics of praxis and history.The essential characteristic of social history inheres in the purpose of the inter-action between subject and object.Therefore,not only natural object but also social historical object loses their quality of pure in-itself. Due to the introduction of purpose to the understanding of being,being is not the abstract idea any more but a concrete and dialectical totality that comes into being or dies out during the human history.As a result,ontology enters into a new field. The philosophical motif of modern epistemology and its dilemma originates from the abstract ontology.As soon as ontology arrives at the level of historicism, the dilemma of epistemology will not exist any more.Praxis becomes a new ground- work of ontology and resolves the problem of epistemology.After this resolution,a series of important categories especially subject and object are free from the frame of epistemology accordingly.The total understanding of being in subject-object dialectics means that subject and object are understood totally in the history. As the Lukács said in the preface of new version,because reification is not differentiated from the general objectification,identity turns into something without any distinctions and history comes to an end.Lukács suggested that the modern critical philosophy came from the reified construct of consciousness.So there is an immanent identity between reified being and reified consciousness.Both the oppo- sition to the total with the concrete and the opposition to the concrete with the total are only a kind of exterior reversal.As a historical dialectics,the concrete totality transcends these two abstract means. Totality is regarded as something illusory by those who insist on the empiricist standpoint.But the empiricist'totality'describes by,for instance,Popper is far away from the concrete totality of Marxism.Those who oppose totality advocate the absolute concrete and lead to'relativism','skepticism'and even'anarchism'. To sum up,the author believes that the'concrete totality'advanced by Lukács is the Marxist understanding of social historical being.'Concrete'and 'totality'arrive at the dialectical unification during history and praxis.
Contemporary Marxism Review