能源的节能降耗一直是个热点问题,论文根据Oracle数据挖掘流程,运用Oracle Data Miner,阐述了如何将ODM增强的K-均值聚类算法应用于城市能源计量数据平台。选定某公司的煤耗数据为研究对象,对增强的K-均值聚类算法结果进行分析,为行业发展提供科学决策。
Saving energy and reducing consumption of energy have always been a hot issue.According to oracle data mining process.The application of Enhanced K-means algorithm in the urban energy measurement data platform is described by using data mining tools Oracle Data Miner(ODM).A company's coal consumption in Fujian is selected as the research object.Scientific decision will be provided to coal industry by analyzing the results of the Enhanced K-means clustering algorithm.
Computer & Digital Engineering