The Assassin is quite a special film among Hsiao - hsien Hou's works, for it gives a reinterpretation of the aesthetic side of his work and redefines it with an unprecedented style. More importantly, The Assassin not only inherits Hou's theme of Going Back, but also explores a new meaning of it. In this way, the theme of Going Back in Hou's works becomes a complete and profound system. The theme of Going Back in Hou's film embodies Chinese traditional aesthetic spirit; meanwhile it reflects different historic characteristics. This theme has three different meanings in Hou's all time works. The first meaning of the theme of Going Back in Hou's films is the denial of urban civilization and the compliment of rural civilization. This meaning appears in the background of the contrast between urban and rural and can mostly be seen in his early works. The "Ritual Music Spirit" of Confucian ideas is quite highlighted. Obedience and maintenance toward traditional ethic system show the "Ritual Spirit" while the enlightenment and connection made within people's inner world by the beauty of their hometown show "Music Spirit". The second level of the theme of Going Back is the remembrance of the lost rural civilization and a confusion of the complex urban civilization, which takes place after the industrialization and can be seen in Hou's rather later works. In these films, the benevolent spirit of the Confucian school, as well as the art of Doing Nothing in Taoism, are equivalently important. Hsian -hsien Hou has paid close attention to everyone's daily life in a common touch. And he has never in- truded, but told the story as an outsider. The third meaning of the theme Going Back lies in the poetic emo- tion dealing with life itself. It is beyond the scope of history and reality, which own the most incisive conno- tation. Taoism's spirit of seeking freedom and immersing oneself in nature are dominant part of it. The third level of the theme Going Back in Hou's former work is rather scattered. But in this very work, the theme has reached a consummate level. Also the variation of the same theme shown in Hou's work is reasonable. First, traditional Chinese culture has its influence on Hsiao -hsien Hou. Second, Hou has always paid close atten- tion to Taiwan's current affairs. Third, Hou is affected by the foreign films greatly. All these three reasons have impact on Hou's work simultaneously.
Ethnic Art Studies
Hsiao - hsien Hou film, Theme of Going Back, the film The Assassin, Traditional aesthetic spir-it, Characteristics of the times