
冬季供暖工况下混凝土辐射顶板传热特性 被引量:1

Heat transfer characteristics of concrete radiant heating ceiling in winter
摘要 针对冬季供暖工况下混凝土辐射顶板的传热问题,建立顶板辐射供暖的简化数学模型,利用MATLAB软件计算其供热量,并通过该顶板辐射供暖的热工特性实验验证模型的合理性。研究表明:顶板温度计算值与实验结果的误差在5.01%以内,供热量计算值与实验结果的误差在5.15%左右。通过对实验和计算结果的分析发现:在定流量稳态工况下,顶板温度随供水温度的增大呈指数性增大,随换热盘管间距的增大而减小。 A simplified mathematical model was established to calculate the heating transfer capacity through MATLAB program. Compared with the results of thermal performance test, the mathematical model was reasonable with a maximum error less than 5.15%. According to the results of model and experiment, in the constant flow condition, heating capacity of the ceiling increases as the temperature increases, meanwhile heating capacity decreases as the heat exchange coil spacing increases.
出处 《土木建筑与环境工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期118-124,共7页 Journal of Civil,Architectural & Environment Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51578220)~~
关键词 辐射供暖 传热 供热量 数学模型 实验验证 ceiling radiant heating panel heat transfer heating capacity mathematic model experimental validation
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