
过敏性鼻炎小鼠鼻黏膜组织中白介素9及转录因子PU.1表达水平的研究 被引量:10

Expression Levels of IL-9 and PU. 1 in Nasal Mucosa of Allergic Rhinitis Mice
摘要 目的探讨辅助性T细胞9(Th9细胞)相关细胞因子白介素(IL)-9 mRNA/蛋白及转录因子PU.1mRNA在过敏性鼻炎小鼠鼻黏膜组织中的表达及其作用。方法 2014年7月选取SPF级Balb/c小鼠16只,采用随机数字表法分为两组,每组8只。实验组小鼠使用鸡卵清蛋白致敏,建立过敏性鼻炎小鼠模型;对照组小鼠同期使用0.9%氯化钠溶液。每组采用随机数字表法取4只小鼠,病理检查证明造模成功。每组剩余4只小鼠取鼻黏膜,采用实时荧光定量PCR法检测小鼠鼻黏膜组织中IL-9、转录因子PU.1 mRNA表达水平,采用流式微球术检测小鼠鼻黏膜组织中IL-9表达水平。结果实验组小鼠鼻黏膜组织中IL-9 mRNA表达水平〔(21.88±1.82)与(1.03±0.11)〕、转录因子PU.1 mRNA表达水平〔(24.63±1.88)与(1.02±0.07)〕高于对照组(P<0.05)。实验组小鼠鼻黏膜组织中IL-9表达水平〔(66.9±4.4)pg/ml与(20.9±2.1)pg/ml〕高于对照组(P<0.05)。小鼠鼻黏膜组织中IL-9 mRNA表达水平与转录因子PU.1 mRNA表达水平呈正相关(r=0.952,P<0.001)。结论 Th9细胞相关细胞因子IL-9和转录因子PU.1参与过敏性鼻炎的发生发展过程,该结果将有希望提高对过敏性鼻炎发病机制的了解,为过敏性鼻炎免疫调节治疗潜在靶点的选择提供新的线索。 Objective To investigate the expression and role of T helper cells 9( Th9) - related cytokine IL-9 mRNA / protein and transcription factor PU. 1 mRNA in the nasal mucosa of allergic rhinitis(AR)mice. Methods In July 2014, 16 Balb/ c mice were selected and randomly divided into two groups with 8 mice in each group. In experimental group,mice were used for establishing the animal models of AR with ovalbumin sensitization,and at the same time, control group were administrated with 0. 9% physiological saline. In each group,4 mice were randomly taken and the pathological examination showed that the model building was successful. The nasal mucosa was taken from the remaining 4 mice in each group,and IL-9 and PU. 1 mRNA were detected by real - time quantitative PCR and IL-9 protein in nasal mucosa of the two groups was detected by flow cytometry. Results The expression levels of IL-9 mRNA〔(21. 88 ± 1. 82) vs. (1. 03 ± 0. 11)〕,PU. 1 mRNA〔(24. 63 ± 1. 88) vs. (1. 02 ± 0. 07)〕 in the nasal mucosa of the experimental group were higher than those in the control group(P 〈 0. 05). The expression level of IL-9 protein in the nasal mucosa of the experimental group〔(66. 9 ± 4. 4)pg/ ml vs. (20. 9 ± 2. 1)pg/ ml〕was higher than that in the control group(P 〈 0. 05). The expression level of IL-9 mRNA was positively correlated with the expression of PU. 1 mRNA in the nasal mucosa of mice(r = 0. 952,P 〈 0. 001). Conclusion Th9 - related cytokine IL-9 and transcription factor PU. 1 are involved in the development of AR. Our results may improve the understanding of the pathogenesis of AR and provide a new clue for the selection of potential target of immune regulation therapy for AR.
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期1420-1423,1428,共5页 Chinese General Practice
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30872849) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(81200730) 辽宁省自然科学基金资助项目(2014021047)
关键词 鼻炎 T淋巴细胞 辅助诱导 白介素9 转录因子 Rhinitis T - lymphocytes, helper - inducer Interleukin - 9 Transcription factors
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