
运用阈概念将信息素养教育嵌入环境科学专业的实践及效果评估 被引量:17

Practice and Evaluation of Embedding Information Literacy Education in Environment Science Special English Class by the Theory of Threshold Concept
摘要 [目的/意义]探索运用阈概念将信息素养教育嵌入环境科学专业课程教学实践的方法,通过对硕士研究生课程作业及其硕士学位论文开题报告的考核,对课程的效果做出评估,进而说明课程的意义。[方法/过程]嵌入式课程主要包括科研信息资源介绍、文献检索方法及结果分析、参考文献管理技巧、科技论文写作方法和文章从投稿到发表过程介绍。教学效果通过参加嵌入式课程和未参加课程的硕士研究生开题报告比较以及两个年级参加课程研究生的作业和开题报告考核结果的相关性分析评估。[结果/结论]接受嵌入式课程的硕士研究生,在开题报告的调研深度、写作规范程度、参考文献选刊和引用规范方面比对照组有显著提高,其课程作业和开题报告文献引用的规范程度有很好的线性关系。嵌入式课程对学生科研能力的提高具有积极意义。 [ Purpose/significance] This paper explores the practical teaching methodthat information literacy educa- tion is embedded in the environment science special English class by the theory of threshold concept. The course effect is evaluated by investigating the class assignment and the following master dissertation proposal. [ Method/process] This class includes the research information resources introduction, literatures searching method and results analysis, references managing skills, research paper writing skills, and the processes introduction from submission to publication. The master dissertation proposals of attending class graduate students are compared with the control group to evaluate the course. The correlation between the class assignment and the following master dissertation proposals is also analyzed. [ Result/conclusion] The results show that: the embedding class has positive significance for improving students' research capabilities in different aspects, such as research degree, writing regulation, reference selective periodical and citation criteria; postgrad- uate coursework and specification degree of thesis proposal document reference has a good linear relationship. The embedded course can play a positive role in improving students' scientific research ability.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期54-58,66,共6页 Library and Information Service
基金 北京师范大学研究生院项目"图书馆信息素质教育"(项目编号:310800001)研究成果之一
关键词 嵌入式课程 信息素养 环境科学 阈概念 embedded education curriculum information literacy environment science threshold concepts
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