
黄金时代荷兰共和国内陆地区的烟草种植与商品化农业的发展 被引量:2

Tobacco Growing and the Development of Agriculture Commercialization in Dutch Inland Areas during the Golden Age
摘要 16世纪以来,在市场经济的推动下,荷兰农业的商品化经营明显加强。沿海地区乡村的劳动分工逐渐扩大,内陆省份也参与到市场经济中来。例如,17世纪初,随着烟草消费需求的旺盛,乌特勒支、海尔德兰、上艾瑟尔及荷兰共和国境内其它内陆省份在商业资本的引导下建立了以市场为导向的烟草种植业。1660年后,面对着农业萧条,地主们加大了对烟草种植的投资力度,分成租佃制逐渐确立。在此期间,荷兰内陆地区的小农对烟草种植技术也进行了一系列革新,烟田的单位面积产量得以提高。荷兰近代烟草种植反映出内陆和沿海农业的差异并不像人们通常认为的那样巨大,荷兰内陆地区的小农与市场经济有着密切的联系。 the 16th century, driven by the market economy, the commercialization of Dutch agriculture has been significantly strengthened. While labor division in coastal villages was expanding, inland provinces also participated in the market economy. For example, from early 17th century, with a strong demand for tobacco consumption, Utrecht, Gelderland, Overijssel and other inland provinces in Dutch Republic estab- lished a market-oriented tobacco growing under the initiative of commercial capital. After 1660, faced with a- gricuhural depression, landlords increased their investment in tobacco cultivation, share cropping system was gradually established. During this period, Dutch inland peasants innovated a number of tobacco growing techniques, tobacco yield per unit area was thus improved. Tobacco growing in modem Netherlands reflects the contrast between inland and coastal agriculture is smaller than often supposed, and Dutch inland peasants are closely contacted with market economy. Keywords: Dutch Republic; tobacco growing; commercial agriculture; share-cropping; technological innovations
作者 孙海鹏
出处 《中国农史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期79-89,共11页 Agricultural History of China
关键词 荷兰共和国 烟草种植 商品化农业 分成租佃制 技术革新 Dutch Republic tobacco growing commercial agriculture share-cropping technological innovations
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