
“众包”背景下顾客自我生产的前因及其对企业影响实证研究 被引量:7

An Empirical Study on the Antecedents of Customer Self-production and Its Impacts on Marketing Achievements in the Context of Crowdsourcing
摘要 十三五规划将众包作为拓展产业发展空间、提升产业创新能力的孵化模式之一。众包模式的实施依赖于每个接包个体或群体的自组织生产。顾客作为众包任务接包者之一和产品最终使用者,厘清其自我生产的前因及其对企业的影响具有重要意义。本文依据MOA理论和自我服务偏见理论构建顾客自我生产前因与影响理论模型,并通过市场研究公司收集数据进行实证检验。结果发现:顾客自我生产是动机、机遇和能力共同作用的结果,三者在领域兴趣、预期收益等因素对自我生产影响过程中具有完全中介作用;自我生产可以明显提升顾客的企业评价、后续购买意愿和口碑宣传意愿,但仅发生在生产结果低于顾客预期情况下;当生产结果高于顾客预期时,自我生产对企业并无显著影响。 The 13th national five-year development plan considers crowdsourcing as one of the patterns to expand industrial development space and to enhance industrial innovation ability. The implementation of crowdsourcing depends on every participant's self-organization production. As customers are one type of the participants and the users of final product,exploring the antecedents of customer self-production and its impacts on the firm that implements crowdsourcing has great implications. Drawing on MOA theory and self-selwing bias theory, this study firstly constructs a theoretical model that includes the antecedents and impacts of customer self-production,and then conducts two empirical studies totest the hypothesis in the theoretical model. Empirical results show that customer self-production is codetermined by customer motivation, customer ability and situation opportunity. And customer motivation, customer ability and situation opportunity fully mediate the effect of the antecedents (domain interesting, expected return etc. ) on customer self- production. It also shows that customer self-production has no significant influence on the firm when the quality of outcome product was higher than customer expectation, but has positive impacts on customer evaluation, purchase intention and word-of-mouth when the quality of outcome product was lower than customer expectation.
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期108-121,共14页 China Soft Science
基金 国家自然科学基金"消费者创造价值及其对品牌忠诚的作用研究--基于社会互动的视角"(71172145) "顾客独创价值对顾客和企业的影响机理研究"(71402047) "服务企业后台行为前台化对服务绩效的影响研究"(U1504702) "基于消费者创新视角的顾客独创价值研究"(14YJC630073) "品牌崇拜的内涵 形成机制与对主观幸福感的作用研究:宗教心理学的视角"(14YJC630086) 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目"基于消费者知识的河南产品品牌原产地形象研究"(14A630052)
关键词 自我生产 生产结果 顾客评价 众包 self-production production outcome customer evaluation crowdsourcing
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