城市高速路的发展为人们的生活提供了很大的便捷,但直到近些年,人们才意识到穿越城市的高速路对城市景观带来的强大破坏力。它基本上将城市相邻的街区彻底隔开,生活街区的连贯性很难延续。而近年来开始逐渐增加的建于高速路上的城市公园则通过对既有的高速路的改造,将已被分割开的街区重新连接在一起,形成城市中新的景观节点,为城市生活注入了新的活力。这种设计方案既是当前城市发展和景观建设实践的客观需要,也有利于新形势下城市景观问题的有效解决。该文通过对达拉斯高速路上的Klyde Warren公园和其他相似案例的分析和解读,希望能为城市景观的建设提供一条新的思路。
The development of freeways provides a great convenience for people's living life. But until recent years, did people realize that the freeways which across through the cities seriously affected the urban landscape. The freeways completely separated the city from adjacent neighborhoods, and made living neighborhood coherence difficult to continue. In recent years many urban parks of freeways were built, that is not only the transformation of those existing freeways, which joined neighborhoods together to form a new urban landscape nodes, and live a new life of urban. This design is not only the needs of both current urban development and landscape construction practice, but also the solutions to new problems of current situation. Through the analysis and interpretation of the Klyde Warren Garden in Dallas and other similar cases, it is desirable to provide a new way for the construction of the urban landscape.
Huazhong Architecture