
大数据与高校管理研究 被引量:5

Study on Big Data and Higher Education Management
摘要 "大数据"一词正在以铺天盖地之势席卷当今社会以及人们的视听。尽管人们对于其具体所指莫衷一是,但对该词的使用已经遥遥领先于对该词的理解。"大数据"一词大行其道,成为一种时尚和风潮。文章则希望倒置这种"时尚",从理解该词出发,探讨大数据给整个社会以及高校系统带来的机遇和挑战。文章分为3个部分:第一部分,文章将着重论述从数据到大数据的过渡中的时代转折和社会变革,尤其是在互联网时代中,由用户创建内容所引领的获取数据和分析数据的新趋势;第二部分,文章将分析大数据时代社会所面临的种种机遇以及挑战;第三部分,文章将具体结合中国高校管理的现状,探讨大数据如何影响学校管理环境、管理水平和管理决策。 The term "Big Data" has been sweeping the globe and attracting unprecedented attention.Although people have disagreement regarding what the term really means,the use of the word has to a large extent preceded the understanding of it.The ubiquitous use of "big data" has become a trend and fashion.This article shows the author's efforts in interpreting the trend,which starts from understanding the word and discusses the opportunities and challenges big data has brought up to the society and the higher education system.The discussion is unfolded in three sections:in the first section,the author articulates the social reform rooted in the transition from data to big data,especially the new tendencies initiated by the prosperity of user generated content;in the second section,the author analyzes the opportunities and challenges the contemporary society is facing in the era of big data;in the last section,the author applies the analysis to the higher education management practices and explicates how big data influences the ecology of university management,the level of management,as well as decision making.
作者 于亮 孟宇
出处 《无线互联科技》 2016年第7期85-86,共2页 Wireless Internet Technology
关键词 大数据 管理 机遇 bia data management opportunities
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