
丝路经济带中国西北段物流节点功能定位与一体化 被引量:4

The Function Orientation and Integration Strategies of Urban Logistics Node of Silk Road Economic Belt in Northwest China
摘要 物流畅通是丝绸之路经济带崛起的关键。中国西北段是整个丝绸之路经济带的物流黄金段,而西安、兰州、乌鲁木齐、银川、西宁作为国家级物流节点城市,对于西北段物流畅通至关重要。从国家的宏观定位来看,西安、兰州、乌鲁木齐为全国性节点城市,西宁、银川为区域性节点城市;从现状来看,西北地区已经形成了铁路为主、公路和航运为辅的物流系统,以铁路物流为主的格局依然存在并将长期存在;从各自的自然人文禀赋和发展水平差异来看,五个节点城市应当各有分工,将兰州作为西部物流中心和大陆物流几何中心,西安作为西部物流商贸中心和大型出版物流基地,乌鲁木齐作为区域性国际商贸中心,西宁作为青藏高原区域性现代化物流中心,银川作为区域性物流中心城市。同时,要在功能定位和区位优势的基础上,搭建区域物流基础平台和区域公共物流信息平台,推动各地区物流体系衔接与协调,构建多层次、全方位、立体式的现代物流体系,实现西北段城市物流节点一体化。 Logistic smoothness is the key for the rise of Silk Road Economic Belt. The northwest section of Silk Road Economic Belt in China is the golden part of that; and logistic development in Xi' an, Lanzhou, Urumqi, Yinchuan and Xining, the national logistic node cities of China, is critical for the logistic smoothness of the northwest section of Silk Road Economic Belt. From the angle of national macro positioning of China, we can see that Xi' an, Lanzhou and Urumqi are the national node cities, and Xining and Yinchuan are the regional node cities; from the angle of the current situation, the logistic system in the northwest regions taking railway as the main player and road and shipping as the subsidiary players has been formed, and the dominant position of railway will not be changed in the long term; from the angle of natural and cultural endowment and the difference in development level, these five node cities should have their own different positioning, e.g., Lanzhou should be the west logistic center and the geometrical center of continental logistic; Xi' an should be the west logistic and trade center and the logistic base for publications: Urumqi should be the regional international trade center; Xining should the regional modern logistic center in Tibetan Plateau; and Yinchuan should be the regional logistic center. At the same time, based on the function positioning and regional advantages, we should set up regional logistic platform and regional public logistic information platform, promote the link and coordination of different regional logistic systems, and build the multi-layer, comprehensive and three-dimensional modern logistic system to realize the integration of urban logistic nodes in northwest China.
作者 郭爱君
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期12-17,共6页 China Business and Market
基金 2014年国家社会科学基金项目(14BJY086) 2015年中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(15LZUJBWZY011)
关键词 丝绸之路经济带 中国西北段 城市物流节点 一体化 Silk Road Economic Belt Northwest China the urban logistic node being integrated
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