本文以言语行为理论为视角,主要从宏观与微观层面探究法国短篇小说家Guy De Maupassant《钻石项链》中的反讽艺术,证实了言语行为理论不仅可以解释人们日常语言使用的反讽言语行为,而且也对小说等文学作品中的种种反讽言语行为具有诠释作用,让我们更深刻地认识到言语行为理论可以有效地分析实际文本的独到性。
From the perspective of speech act theory, especially indirect speech act theory, the art of irony in The Diamond Necklace by Guy De Maupassant is profoundly analyzed from both macro and micro angle. The results prove that speech act theory not only can explain irony in common communication, but also can interpret various aspects of irony in literature works like novels. Thus, it also further gives us a profound understanding of the uniqueness of speech act theory in analyzing specific texts.