
基于脉冲涡流检测的管道腐蚀仿真与实验研究 被引量:5

Simulation and Experimental Study of Corrosion Occurred in Piping by Using Pulsed Eddy inspection Technology
摘要 对管道表面腐蚀缺陷进行脉冲涡流检测研究,采用有限元软件建立脉冲涡流检测模型,仿真分析管道表面不同深度的腐蚀缺陷与检测线圈中电压信号的关系,仿真结果:随着缺陷深度的增加,差分信号峰值也相应的增大,表明管道表面腐蚀缺陷深度与差分电压峰值大小有关。同时,设计了脉冲涡流铁磁性管道腐蚀缺陷检测系统,通过实验分析,验证腐蚀缺陷深度与对应的差分信号峰值的关系,进一步实现管道缺陷深度的初步定量。 In this paper, the corrosion defects on the surface of piping were studied by using pulse eddy inspection technique. The pulse eddy inspection model was established using finite element software, then the relation of corrosion defects on the surface of piping with different depth and voltage signals in inspection coil was simulated and analyzed. The results of simulation were shown that with the increase of defect depth the differential signal peak value correspondingly increase, which means the depth of defect is related to differential voltage peak value. Then pulse eddy magnetic inspection system for corrosion defect depth was designed. Through experiment and analysis, the relation of corrosion defect depth and corresponding differential signal peak value was verified and it was further realized to quantitatively determine defect depth in piping.
出处 《化工设备与管道》 CAS 2016年第2期63-66,75,共5页 Process Equipment & Piping
基金 国家自然科学基金(11272084)
关键词 脉冲涡流检测 管道 仿真分析 实验研究 定量分析 pulse eddy inspection piping simulation and analysis experiment research quantitative analysis
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