
时间定价影响利他行为的实证研究——论超越自我中心在时间定价影响利他行为中的调节作用 被引量:1

Self-Transcendence Moderate the Effect of Accounting for Time on Prosocial Behaviors
摘要 时间定价是将金钱价格赋予时间之上,用金钱来衡量时间的价值。时间定价激活经济效用心理定势,进而削弱个体的利他行为。本研究考察超越自我中心在时间定价影响利他行为中的作用。通过计算预期小时工资的方法操纵自变量,测量被试愿意参与利他行为的程度。结果表明:时间定价削弱了低水平超越自我中心者的利他行为,但对高水平超越自我中心者的利他行为没有影响;超越自我中心能够调节时间定价与利他行为的关系。该研究进一步验证了时间定价激活经济效用心理定势的理论假设。 Accounting for time is defined as putting aprice on time.Researchers demonstrated that accounting for time reduces the time and money individuals spend on others.They,however,didn't explore the effect of self-transcendence on the relationship between accounting for time and prosocial behaviors.By means of calculating hourly payment anticipated,we manipulated independent variable and tested pure altruism and reciprocal altruism.The results indicated that self-transcendence moderated the relation between accounting for time and prosocial behaviors.Specifically,for individuals who scored the lowest on self-transcendence meaning of life scale,participants assigned to a non-billing condition were more inclined to prove help for other.However,for those who scored the highest on the scale,no significant differences were observed.
作者 李继波
出处 《岭南师范学院学报》 2016年第1期150-154,共5页 Journal of Lingnan Normal University
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十二五"规划2015年度项目(GD15YXL02) 岭南师范学院2014年度人才引进项目(ZW1407)
关键词 时间定价 利他行为 超越自我中心 经济效用心理定势 accounting for time prosocial behaviors self-transcendence economic utility mindsets
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