
高速公路小半径路段标志与标线的组合设置 被引量:8

Combination Layout of Signs and Markings on Expressway Segment with Small Radius
摘要 为了寻求高速公路小半径路段标志与标线的较优组合,借助驾驶模拟仪器,对设置于小半径路段的3种典型标志与标线组合进行对比试验,从速度、横向偏移量、转弯位置、操作负荷以及注视行为5个角度考量,并结合小波分析理论,提出用转向盘转角系数的高频能量值作为高速公路自由流状态下驾驶操作负荷的评价标准。结果表明:现行规范中的急弯减速慢行标志形象有余而远视效果不足;纵向减速标线配合线形诱导标诱导效果更好,能够辅助驾驶人更平顺地通过小半径路段;横向减速标线会增加断面车速的离散程度;警告类型的标志与标线组合不当或设置位置不当,会影响驾驶人判断,产生驾驶人过早转弯等负面影响,因此在设计中应根据实际需要适当地选用标志与标线进行组合设置。 In order to explore a better combination of signs and markings on expressway segment with small radius,based on driving simulator,contrast experiments of three typical combinations of signs and markings set in segment with small radius were made.And five angles,including speed,lateral deviation,turning position,driver's operation work load,and fixation behavior were taken into consideration.Besides,according to the wavelet theory,high frequency power of the steering wheel angle coefficient was put forward as an evaluation index for driver's operation load in free flow state of expressway.The results show that the horizontal alignment warning sign in current specification was designed in a vivid way but with poor visibility at a distance;longitudinal deceleration markings with chevron alignment sign have better effects on guidance which can assist drivers through the segment with small radius more smoothly;lateral deceleration markings would increase dispersion of cross sectional speed;improper combinations of waning signs and markings or improper set position will affect drivers' judgments,leading to negative influences like premature turn,therefore,well-chosen combinations of signs and markings according to practical requirement are needed in designing work.
出处 《中国公路学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期107-113,共7页 China Journal of Highway and Transport
基金 贵州省交通运输厅科技项目(2014-121-025) 山西省交通运输厅科技项目(2013-1-21)
关键词 交通工程 标志与标线组合 驾驶模拟 小波分析 小半径路段 traffic engineering combination of signs and markings driving simulation wavelet analysis small radius road
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