
大学生学业成就国外研究进展述评 被引量:4

A Review Foreign Research on Undergraduates' Scholastic Achievements
摘要 对大学生学业成就的测量和研究,既是监控和保障高等教育质量的有效方式,也是探究大学生学习和发展的重要途径。关注大学生学习,已成为国际高等教育评估的发展趋势。国外大学生学业成就的研究经过多年发展,积累了丰富的成果。文章梳理了国外大学生学业成就研究的最新成果,包括概念、理论、模型、测量方法与提高策略等,最后结合研究特点提出了未来研究的可能方向,以期为国内大学生学业成就的进一步研究提供参考。 The assessment and research of undergraduates' scholastic achievements are not only an effective way to supervise and guarantee the quality of higher education,but also a significant approach to explore undergraduates' learning and development. It becomes a new tendency for the researchers to pay close attention to undergraduates' learning in the field of international higher education assessment. A plenty of achievements have been accumulated in the field of undergraduates' scholastic achievements for several years in foreign countries. In this paper,it presents the newest research findings in the field of undergraduates' scholastic achievements in foreign countries,including the concepts,theories,models,assessment approaches and improvement strategies,etc. Lastly,this paper points out the probable research tendency in this field in the future,so as to give some effective suggestions on undergraduates' scholastic achievements research in China.
作者 高桂娟 陈乐
出处 《高等理科教育》 2016年第2期84-90,119,共8页 Higher Education of Sciences
关键词 大学生学业成就 研究进展 国外研究 undergraduates' scholastic achievements research development foreign research
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