Because of emphasizing that the establishment of joint offense should be based on the same intentional content and intentional contact, the theory of completely joint crime incorrectly limits the scope of joint crime. Because the joint behavior was based on the former constitutive elements, meaning natural fact, so the old theory of joint behavior admits the joint negligence crime as incorrectly expanding the risk of the scope of joint crime. Although the new theory of the joint behavior, which is the theory of the joint behavior of constitutive elements, contracts the risk arroused by the old theory, it may bring simultaneous crime into the joint offense. Having received more and more support, the new theory hides the error of repeated evaluation and results in the separation of conviction and sentencing. Thus, it causes the fatal flaw of violating the principle of responsibility. The new theory faces hurdles of the positive law because it deviates from the whole criminal law thinking. Although the theory of partial joint crime has correctly grasped the range of joint offense, it must deepen structure of theory of itself and relate the contact about the principle of partial performance and total li- ability. Only then can it gain a new life.
Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law
the theory of joint crime
the theory of joint behavior
joint principal offender
partial performance and total liability
concurrent intention