

Shale Gas Policies in Argentina and Its Implications to China
摘要 阿根廷页岩资源丰富,页岩油已实现商业化生产。阿根廷政府在页岩油气开发中扮演重要角色,尤其是近2年来,政府努力改善非传统能源的开发与经营环境。目前,阿根廷开发页岩气的法律依据主要是2014年修订后的《碳氢化合物法》及相关配套法律。该法创造了一种新型的具有更长期限的页岩气开采特许权,并删除了先前不允许持有五个以上矿业权的规定。本文对阿根廷的页岩油气勘探开发现状、权利金和税费、环境管理制度等做了分析。阿根廷经验启示我们,页岩开发必须多元化投资,要在税收、价格管制等方面对页岩气勘探开发采取激励政策,完善环境保护和社会治理方面的法律法规和标准体系,确保页岩油气环境安全和社会安全。 Argentina is rich in shale resources, and some of those have already been produced commercially. The government has played an important role in creating a favorable environment for shale gas exploration and exploitation. Shale gas exploration and exploitation are mainly based on the Hydrocarbons Law revised in 2014 and its supportive legal system. An important addition in the amendments to the Hydrocarbons Law was a novel type of concession with a longer term, and it has abolished restrictions on holding more than five exploration permits or exploitation concessions. This paper analyzed the current situations of Argentina's shale gas exploration and development, royalties and taxes, environmental management system and so on. Argentina's experiences enlighten us that multiple investment system and incentive policies are necessary for shale gas exploration and exploitation. Besides, we should perfect laws and standards system on environmental protection and social governance to make them safe.
出处 《国土资源情报》 2016年第1期8-12,共5页 Land and Resources Information
基金 中国地质调查局地质调查工作项目:我国页岩气产业政策分析(12120115007101)
关键词 页岩(油气) 石油 天然气 政策 经验 阿根廷 Shale Oil Gas Policies Experience Argentina
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